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在他阴暗沉郁的脑海里闪耀亮光。Glows and grows in the murk of his brain.

鱼雷轰炸机出现在大和号的左舷,在灰暗的天空映衬下预示着不祥的征兆。Off Yamato's port beam appeared the torpedo planes, looking dark and ominous in the gray murk.

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一些老师依旧去学校为不顾雾霾困扰勇敢来上学的学生们上课。Some teachers went to school to support students who had chosen to brave the murk and attend class.

他们冰冷的呼吸从黑暗中升起造就了这些雾霭,他们的肉体就像他们的心一样变成了石头。Their cold breath rises from the murk to make these fogs, and their flesh has turned as stony as their hearts.

其他人沮丧地望着救生圈的闪光灯在黑暗中微弱地闪烁,这本是为了向搜寻者求救设计的。The men watched in frustration as the ring's strobe light, meant to alert searchers, blinked dimly in the murk.

虽然,君主制在理论上超脱于昏暗的日常政治之上,但它却是赋予阿披实这位未经选举而上台的总理合法性的重要来源。Although, in theory, the monarchy inhabits a realm far above the murk of daily government, it has been an important source of legitimacy for the unelected prime minister.

虽然分析人士认为目前的紧张局势不会加剧到需要美国军事条约的责任,但这项条约给本已混沌的领土争端增加更多变数。Though analysts don't think the current tension will escalate and draw in the U.S. military treaty obligations, the agreements add murk to an already muddy territorial dispute.

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与此同时,一个异常潮湿的秋天和东部海域的低气压天气系统将南方钢铁厂排放的污染物推回华北平原。Meanwhile an unusually wet autumn and a low pressure weather systems over the eastern seas have pushed the murk from steel plants in the south back up into the North China plain.

如果看起来情况还是会和之前很相似,我们可能会看到更多削弱,或者可能会把一些经典卡牌退环境,就像之前的老瞎眼一样。If things are looking like they are going to be too same-y for that next year, we could see more nerfs, or we might rotate some additional classic cards to Wild, like we did with Old Murk Eye.

尽管分析家认为目前的紧张事态并不会继续扩大,牵扯到美国军事条约的责任,但是这一协议却让本就含混的领土争端更加晦暗。Japan security treaties.Though analysts don't think the current tension will escalate and draw in the U.S. military treaty obligations, the agreements add murk to an already muddy territorial dispute.