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受日本台阶启发的木梯子。Wood stepladder inspirated by japanese steps.

去找一个梯子或登高工具。Take the time to get a stepladder or stepstool.

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我脱下鞋子,把衣服挂在梯子上。I took off my shoes and hung my clothes on the stepladder.

今年夏天我曾听过他对着一张活动梯子嚷了大半个下午。And this summer I heard him yell at a stepladder for most of an afternoon.

他还制造了世界上第一副双光眼镜,发明了一种叫玻璃琴的乐器和活动梯子。He also made the first pair of bifocal glasses and invented a musician instrument called the glass harmonica and a stepladder chair.

他还制作出了世界上第一幅双光眼镜,发明了玻璃碗琴和活梯。He also made the first pair of bifocal glassed and invented a musical instrument called the glass harmonica and the stepladder chair.

他还制造了世界上第一副双光眼镜,发明了一种乐器一一玻璃琴和活动梯凳。He also made the first pair of bifocal glasses and invented a musical instrument called the glass harmonica and the stepladder chair.

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市中心聚集了成千上百的人群,一群人听着一个站在活脚梯上的人发表怀念演讲。Hundreds of people gathered in the clusters in the center of the city. One crowd heard a man on a stepladder make a speech honoring Mao.

可是,新的原子钟的实验表明了,即使在日常生活中的不同速度和高度条件下,例如,在你骑上自行车或爬上梯子的时候,也会对时间流逝的步伐产生影响。But new atomic clock experiments show the pace of time changes at everyday speeds and heights – when you ride a bicycle or climb a stepladder.

不要用诸如将凳子放在桌子上等凑和的脚手架来拿高处的东西。去找一个梯子或登高工具。Don't use makeshift scaffolds such as a chair balanced on a desk when you are reaching for something overhead. Take the time to get a stepladder or stepstool.

在家庭存在小孩子或很矮的成年人时,一个小型的四脚梯能帮助甚至是最矮的家庭成员从笼子的顶部恢复一只良好社交化的凤头鹦鹉。In homes where children or very short adults are present, a small stepladder can assist even the shortest family member in retrieving a well-socialized cockatoo from the top of the cage.

这张封面照片的灵感来源于甲壳虫乐队成员之一保罗。麦卡特尼的一张素描,摄影师伊恩。麦克米伦还爬上路中央的一个四角梯以寻找合适的拍摄角度。It's thought the original idea for the picture came from a sketch by Paul McCartney. The Photographer Iain Macmillan, stood on a stepladder in the middle of the road to get the right angle.