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你能操作电传机吗?Are yon able to operate the telex?

你可以对我们的能力放心.Yon can rest assured of our ability.

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假如你很富裕的话,那么会怎样呢?。Supposing that yon were rich, what then?

那你能带我去网上超市里看看吗?。Can yon show me around the E-supermarket?

你呀,乌鸫,哨声在荆棘丛生的溪谷中鸣响。Ye wild whistling blackbirds in yon thorny den.

有时候你们会进入一种我把它称之为泡沫式的繁荣。Sometimes yon go into what I call a bubble boom.

你可以将细节电告我在纽约的兄弟。Yon can wire the details to my brother in New York.

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你只能欺骗还不清楚你的伎俩的那些人。Yon can only humbug those who are not aware of your tricks.

如果你想更多的了解这个英语角,你可以同这里的学生交谈。If you want to know more about the comer, yon can talk to the students here.

你们是怎样把集装箱转运到船边的?是跨运车还是叉车?How do yon transfer the vans to the ship's side? Do you use straddle carriers or forklifts?

巴格达和伊斯坦布尔的集市里挤满了本地和来自其他各地的财富淘金者。The great bazaars of Baghdad and Istanbul were full of fortune-seekers from hither and yon.

土族民歌有着悠久的历史,内容丰富,且曲调委婉古朴,颇有辽阔、悠远的情调。The Tus folksongs have a long history and rich in content. The tune is simple and charming, bringing yon far away.

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敬重你的人都会听从你的话,但我就不敬重你,你能让我服从你吗?Whoever respects you will obey what you say, but a man like myself does not respect you. Can you make me obey yon?

衬衫上满是虫,士兵用诅咒撕开他的喉咙,上帝可能会退缩而不是虱子。For a shirt verminously busy Yon soldier tore from his throat, with oaths Godhead might shrink at, but not the lice.

那当然了,你没钱弱小的话,自然就得老实点儿。我认为越南现在纯粹是在找死。Of course, when you are poor and weak, yon need to lie low. What Vietnam is doing now is signing a death certificate.

你知道,如果一个孩子一年里逃学20-50天的话,那就说明这孩子离辍学不远了。Yon says if a child misses anywhere from 20 to 50 days of school a year, chances are that child is going to drop out.

我能邀请您,和我来一下午的灵魂之旅么?,而后在那边的虚拟客栈畅饮几杯?恩,好吧,没什么不好的?。Can I interest you in an afternoon of spirited questing followed by a flagon of ale at Yon Virtual Tavern?Yeah, sure, why not?

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“原来如此,”随着爱情幢憬的破灭,他凄然说道,“你和我结婚仅仅是为了把我从绞刑架上救下来,毫无别的意思吗?”"So, " said he, with his hopes d love sadly fading away, "Yon had no other aim in marrying me than to save me from the giblet? "

事实上,如果每个人都对环境做点什么,我相信地球会是一个更好的地方。谢谢你的倾听!In fact, If everyone does something for the environment, I believe the earth will be a better place. Thank yon for yonr listening!

朴吉渊呼吁双方扩大关系,尤其是加强在经济领域的合作。Pak Gil Yon called for expansion of relations between the two sides, particularly to strengthen cooperation in the economic field.