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氡是什么?What is radon?

氡和石棉。Radon and asbestos.

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氡来自镭的衰变。Radon comes from radium decay.

氡是镭的子体。Radon is the daughter of radium.

室外的氡水平通常很低。Outdoor radon levels are usually very low.

在地下室安装氡蓄贮系统installing a radon sump system in the basement

本工作研制氡子体连续测量仪。A radon progeny continuous monitor was developed.

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瓷砖中所放射出来的氡主要来源镭。Tile in the main source of radon emitted by radium.

水氡与水汞的动态可能有一定影响,但影响幅度不大。The influence on water radon and Hg are not important.

矿井作业面的粉尘与氡子体是危害工人健康的两大重要因素。Dust and radon daughters are two major hazards to miners.

欢迎你下榻我们氡泉承天大酒店!Welcome to stay in our Radon Spring Chengtian Grand Hotel!

可以通过测试来确保家中没有氡。You can make sure your home is radon free by getting a test.

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半汤矿泉为高温硫酸盐氡泉。Bantang mineral spring is a hypefthermy sulfate radon spring.

1988年增加的第301—311条,涉及的是室内氧的控制问题。Sections 301-311, added in 1988, relate to indoor radon abatement.

氡和钍射气的子体易被气溶胶吸附。The daughter nuclides of radon and thoron tend to become attached.

鉴于在空气中的稀释,室外的氡水平通常很低。Due to dilution in the air, outdoor radon levels are usually very low.

当吸入之后,来自氡的放射暴露可导致人们罹患肺癌。When inhaled, the radiation exposure from radon may lead to lung cancer.

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对水氡动态特征进行了探讨。And the developments characters of water radon were made an inquiry into.

在许多国家中,氡是肺癌的第二种最重要病因。Radon is the second most important cause of lung cancer in many countries.

氡是一种放射性的自然气体,从地下散发到空气中。Radon is a natural radioactive gas that emanates from the ground into the air.