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启示书中还有一种宇宙学。And they have a cosmology.

物质在宇宙学中起着核心作用。Matter plays a central role in cosmology.

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这些因素包含了您的宇宙论和种族。These factors include your cosmology and race.

可是,这个情境并不就是等于是宇宙洪荒开始时的情境。But this isn't tantamount to the beginnings of a cosmology.

你知道,在宇宙学方面,我们已经有过许多这样的非常激动人心的时期。You know, we've had a lot of it's a very exciting period in cosmology.

佩妮,这位是普林顿博士,量子宇宙论权威专家。Oh, Penny. This is Dr. Plimpton, a leading expert on quantum cosmology.

这个要求可望在量子宇宙论中得到满足。This requirement for cosmology might be satisfied by quantum cosmology.

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但是在宇宙学中间,接下来的500万年被叫做黑暗时期。But the ensuing 500 million years are the so-called dark ages of cosmology.

这个组织是安排在打昏,根据佛教宇宙观。This group was laid out and arranged in accordance with Buddhist cosmology.

他的科学兴趣还包括宇宙论与高能天文学。His other scientific interests concern cosmology and high-energy astrophysics.

现代宇宙学的三个未解之谜,“暴涨”、“暗能量”和“暗物质”,在这个理论中就都归结到新的幽灵物质了。Three mysteries of modern cosmology could be wrapped up in one ghostly presence.

现代宇宙学的确展现了很多科学未解之迷。Modern cosmology does show that there are so many unsolved mysteries to sciences.

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宇宙年龄是大爆炸宇宙学中的一个关键性的问题。The puzzle of the cosmic age is a long-standing key problem in big bang cosmology.

第一推动力是伴随着宇宙大爆炸的发生一并出现的,它在本质上是一种惯性力。The puzzle of the cosmic age is a long-standing key problem in big bang cosmology.

这种“丢失的卫星问题”,她说,“是宇宙学里的一个基本问题。”This "missing satellite problem" she said, "is a fundamental problem in cosmology."

以利户的宇宙观与今日的宇宙观有何异同?What are the similarity and difference between the cosmology of Elihu and current view?

阿托姆是埃及最为远古的神祗之一,是太阳创世哲学的一部分。Atum was one of the most ancient gods in Egypt and was part of the Heliopolitan cosmology.

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爱因斯坦的理论对于日后的天体物理学和宇宙学意义非凡。Einstein's theory had tremendous implications for the future of astrophysics and cosmology.

1998年,两只研究小队所展示的成果让宇宙学的根基发生了动摇。In 1998, cosmology was shaken at its foundations as two research teams presented their findings.

测定这缺少的物质性质就是现代宇宙论最重要问题之一。Determining the nature of this missing mass is one of the most important problems in modern cosmology.