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斯国也被称为“红茶之国”。Andean countries, also known as "black country."

无任欢迎进入江小斯的博客参观。Welcome to enter the small Andean Jiang to visit the blog.

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客家文化在此发源,客家民系于斯诞生。Hakka culture in origin, the Hakka people of the Andean birth.

在印加人的统治下,安第斯文明空前发展。Under Inca rule, Andean civilization flowered as never before.

巨型蟾蜍和安地斯山的鬣蜥是爬行动物的代表。The Giant Toad and Andean Iguana are some examples of reptiles.

这意味着少量的尘土也许有助于保护安第斯山区的冰川,论文中这么写道。So a small amount of dirt could help preserve Andean glaciers, they write.

洛威尔对居住着秃鹰、安第斯猫和狐狸等生物的参差不齐的山峰进行了测绘调查。Lowellsurveyed the jagged peaks inhabited by condors, Andean cats and foxes.

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然而,他说,这项工作很困难,在其它安第斯国家一直都很困难。But that wasn’t easy and has not been easy in other Andean countries, he says.

波利维亚总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯在爱德阿都·阿瓦罗·安第斯动物群国家保护区。Bolivian President Evo Morales at the Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve.

安地斯山脉是世界上最大型的鸟类之一「安地斯秃鹰」的家乡。The Andes mountains are home to Andean condor , one of the largest birds in the world.

对康多兀鹫和秃鹫骨骼进行了系统地比较。A complete comparison on skeleton of Andean condor and cinereous vulture was carried out.

其他合作伙伴包括美洲开发银行和安第斯开发银行。Other partners include the Inter-American Development Bank and the Andean Development Bank.

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科尔卡大峡谷是秘鲁吸引游客最多的景点之一,每年都有很多游客来看安第斯秃鹰和开阔的峡谷景观。It is one of the most visitedsites in Peruby tourists looking for condors and Andean terraces.

秘鲁民众15日在利马发起反政府抗议,参加抗议的一名安地斯妇女正呼喊著口号。An Andean woman shouts slogans during a protest against Peru's government, in Lima June 15, 2011.

而安第斯山当地的菜肴炖肉汤——一种玉米、豆子、南瓜和肉一起炖的丰盛菜肴——非常美味。As for native Andean cuisine, locro, a hearty stew of corn, beans, squash and meat, is delicious.

斯坦尼什是安第斯文明考古领域的权威人士,他花了九年时间在eBay上追踪文物买卖,他也寻求美国缉私机关的帮助,探访那些伪造文物的作坊。Stanish is an authority on Andean archaeology. He’s been tracking antiquities on eBay for nine years.

安地斯山被人类破坏由于人类大量的砍伐树木,很多的安第斯山脉珍惜动物都是靠这些树来建窝。The Andes Mountains are hurt by humans because they cut down trees which shelter many unique Andean animals.

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在西半球从事恐怖主义活动的主要限于以哥伦比亚和安第斯地区为大本营的恐怖主义组织。Terrorism in the Western Hemisphere was confined primarily to groups based in Colombia and the Andean region.

周日早上,排队影印档案的人大多是安地斯印第安人的面孔,多数都是在忍耐了长达数日的公车之旅至此。On a weekday morning, the queue to photocopy documents is made up mainly of people of Andean Indian appearance.

2011年1月30日,利马南部城市阿雷基帕的科尔卡大峡谷,一直安第斯秃鹰正在展翅飞翔。An Andean condor fliesover the Colca canyon at the Colca valley in Arequipa, south of Lima, on January 30, 2011.