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一起做剪贴簿.Scrapbook together.

想要一个简单的方法来签名簿?Want an easy way to scrapbook?

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把叶子放入剪贴簿。Store your leaves in a scrapbook.

今天又做了相簿美编。Did a scrapbook page this afternoon.

什么是无字幕剪贴簿?What's a scrapbook without captions?

这些照片可以做成书签。The photos can go in their scrapbook.

他把画片贴到他的剪贴本里。He pasted the pictures into this scrapbook.

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可在你家里的屏幕上创建一张照片剪贴簿。Create a scrapbook of photos on your homescreen.

牛皮纸上保留了照片的剪贴簿页面。Vellum preserves photographs on scrapbook pages.

一个桦木数字剪贴簿与瓷帽。A digital Scrapbook in Birchwood with porcelain caps.

他拄着拐杖,走得慢慢地,挟着一本很大的剪贴簿。He came slowly, on crutches, clutching a big scrapbook.

我什么剪贴簿用品用于创建内存书吗?What scrapbook supplies do I use for creating memory books?

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当时占据报纸头条的是卡扎菲官邸惊现赖斯相册的新闻。The headline was Gaddafi’s scrapbook of Condoleeza Rice photos.

剪贴簿包含着照片,引证,剪报,和结果。A scrapbook. Include photos and quotes and clippings and events.

实际上我很后悔没有建立一个剪贴簿来收藏其中的一些建议。I actually regretted not having kept a scrapbook of some of these.

等你回家了你可以吧他们打印出来或者冲洗出来,做成剪贴簿。When you get home print them out or have them developed and make a scrapbook.

了解如何签名簿,记录回忆,在此免费视频艺术和手工艺。Learn how to scrapbook and record memories in this free video on arts and crafts.

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准备个剪贴薄把照片,纪念物,小纸条等收集起来Make a scrapbook with photos, mementos, and little notes from you lives together.

找剪贴簿在此免费视频剪辑拼贴的想法很容易写的提示。Get tips for scrapbook writing in this free video clip about easy scrapbooking ideas.

做一个剪贴簿的照片页一个特殊的事件或快乐的日子从过去和框架。Make a scrapbook page with pictures of a special event or fun day from the past and frame it.