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我们在中午离开家。We left home at the noontide.

即便在中午,它也会和她一起坐在花园里。Even at noontide it sat with her in the garden.

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你愿意在明天中午的时候,跟妈妈和我一块站在这儿吗?Wilt thou stand here with mother and me, to-morrow noontide?

“可你一定要答应,”殊儿问道,“明天中午握着我的手和妈妈的手,好吧?”"Wilt thou stand here with mother and me, to-morrow noontide?" inquired Pearl.

你曾是我们晦暗时刻的阳光,你的青春曾给了我们织梦的题材。A noontide have you been in our twilight , and your youth has given us dreams to dream.

当午潮涌起时,你在池中沐浴,我们则到达一个陌生国王的国度里。When at noontide you are bathing at the pond, we shall be in the land of a strange king.

“可你一定要答应,”珠儿问道,“明天中午握着我的手和妈妈的手,好吧?”But wilt thou promise, " asked Pearl , "to take my hand, and mother's hand, to-morrow noontide?"

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“可你一定要答应,”殊儿问道,“明天中午握着我的手和妈妈的手,好吧?”"But wilt thou promise, " asked Pearl, "to take my hand, and mother's hand, to-morrow noontide?"

第二天中午这个可敬的女人又在酒店里她平时的座位上勤勤恳恳也织毛线了。Next noontide saw the admirable woman in her usual place in the wine-shop knitting away assiduously.

在中午工作最忙的时候,我和大家在一起,但在这黑暗寂寞的日子,我只企望着你。In the busy moments of the noontide work I am with the crowd, but on this dark lonely day it is only for thee that I hope.

道路、院中的小径、房屋正面的墙壁,还有院子的围墙,都热得像壁炉一样,而且还把正午的热气,反射到夜间行人的脸上。Roads, garden-paths, the house-fronts, the barton-walls were warm as hearths, and reflected the noontide temperature into the noctambulist's face.