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也许今后咱们有机遇在一起。Mayby we can get jointly sometime.

对此,我们如何共同做出应对计划?So how do we jointly plan on that?

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一是共促和平稳定。Jointly pursue peace and stability.

双方还共同打造了一个工业园。They jointly built an industrial park.

茶是人与大自然携手共创的杰作。Tea is created jointly by man and nature.

邹伊赫塞奥多拉联合统治了两个月。Zoe and Theodora ruled jointly for two months.

本线由城巴及九巴共同经营。This route is jointly operated by Citybus and KMB.

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此种侵权行为为要承担共同和连带责任。Such tort-feasors are jointly and severally liable.

让我们摒弃歧见而共同工作吧。Let us get rid of the fork to see and jointly works.

UWP为什么对合建孔子学院那么积极?UWP why Confucius Institute jointly built so positive?

曾庆红和查韦斯共同出席了签字仪式。Zeng and Chaves jointly attended the signing ceremony.

济助令规定的临时管理人则由诉讼双方共同指定。The curator was to be jointly appointed by the two parties.

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第三人和代理人应负连带责任。The third party and the agent shall be held jointly liable.

这类欧元债券还将获得多个国家的联合担保。These bonds would also be jointly and severally guaranteed.

该风能发电厂最初将归TGC和SERL共同所有。The wind farm will initially be jointly owned by TGC and SERL.

谁才是真正的王牌特工,斯米诺与你共同期待!Who is the real Bondman?Jointly with Smirnoff to look forward!

剪彩后,胡锦涛主席和伊丽莎白二世女王一起参观了文物展。Later Hu and Queen Elizabeth II jointly visited the exhibition.

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会谈后,吴邦国和贝纳基还共同会见了记者。Following the talks, they also jointly met with the journalists.

两国曾签订了联合发射人造卫星的协议。The two countries signed an agreement to jointly launch satellites.

共同挑选一项你们都感兴趣的投资机会。Jointly select an investment opportunity of interest to both of you.