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我的男朋友名字?。My boy friend 's nae?

你会用英文签名吗?。Can you sign your nae in English?

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该工程院是一所私立的,独立的,非盈利性机构。The NAE is a private, independent, nonprofit institution.

2004在海南文昌中学举办的活力英语夏令营,营员人数达一千人。In 2004, nae summer camp is held in hainan wenchang high school. the number of the members goes up to one thousand.

2004在海南文昌中学举办的活力英语夏令营,营员人数达一千人。In 2004 , nae summer camp is held in hainan wenchang high school . the number of the members goes up to one thousand.

在成功识别音符模式的基础上。漏检音符的查找策略使智能检测方法的检测率显著提高。With the great success in note pattern recognition, a missing-note-check-back strategy is introduced to the core of NAE based smart onset detection.

在中国,我们计划在每个重点城市至少开办一个美加英语培训中心,致力将最好的英语教育带给当地的学生。We are planning to have at least one NAE Training Centre in a major town in China. We strive to give the best English education there is to the Chinese students.

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除了其作为顾问联邦政府,工程院还进行独立研究,研究的重要课题在工程和技术。In addition to its role as advisor to the federal government, the NAE also conducts independent studies to examine important topics in engineering and technology.

美国国家工程院鼓励美国工程界研发水处理系统,以大幅降低发展中国家管井水的砷含量。NAE challenged the U.S. engineering community to develop a water treatment system that would significantly lower the arsenic content in groundwater from tube wells in developing countries.

“根据这一宪章的工程院是针对”每当呼吁任何部门或机构的政府,调查,研究,实验,并报告任何问题的科学或艺术。Under this charter the NAE is directed whenever called upon by any department or agency of the government, to investigate, examine, experiment, and report upon any subject of science or art.