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先来谈下信息这方面。Concerning the information.

关于帕拉丁级的变化。Concerning Paladin class changes.

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飞碟,重要信息。Flying Disc. information concerning.

你懂得阿谁新项目吗?Did you hear concerning the new project?

关于这件事他什么都没听到。He heard nothing concerning this matter.

关于解散OGB的举措Motion concerning dissolution of the OGB

阅读与行李房有关的所有通知。Reads all memos concerning Bell Service.

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他是这么不替将来着想。He is so thoughtful concerning the future.

这部歌剧是关于埃莱克特拉复仇的故事。The opera is concerning Elektra's revenge.

你髣?有很重要的事。You look very serious concerning something.

有关皇室婚礼的消息不胫而走。News is flying about concerning a royal wedding.

相关十世纪的事你知道些什么?Whupon do you know concerning the tenth century?

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他们的计划在我心中还是漆黑一团。I am completely in the dark concerning their plans.

相关十世纪的事你知道些什么?Whnext to do you know concerning the tenth century?

他开始费尽心思地去想关于引渡法的问题。He began to trouble concerning the extradition laws.

午夜蓝是一个关注男性性工作者的团体。Midnight Blue is a male sex worker concerning group.

有关玛丝洛娃那个答案有点误会了。There is a mistake in the answer concerning Maslova.

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移民官将与你联系告知你的申请结果。The office will contact you concerning this decision.

二人回家后,朱妈查问事情原委。Two people back home, Zhu Ma concerning things wrong.

本人们读了关于天外来客的故事。We read stories concerning visitors from outer space.