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把红辣椒切丝。Cut the red chilli in slice.

每周吃一次墨西哥牛肉。Eat chilli con carne once a week.

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茄子炒青辣椒。Sauteed Eggplant and Green Chilli.

乾�和指天椒切碎。Cut shallots and chilli padi finely.

这个红番椒需要多点调味。This chilli needs a little more spice!

辣椒酱挑逗味觉。Chilli sauce can titillate our palates.

辣椒酱可以挑逗我们的味觉。Chilli sauce can titillate our palates.

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将红辣椒切成小圆圈。Slice the red chilli into wafer-thin rounds.

姜蒜和泡辣椒剁成末。Finely chop ginger, onion and pickled chilli.

我们就叫他们给你往里面加点辣椒。We shall ask them to put some red chilli on it.

加入辣椒粉和面粉,并搅拌、炒约1分钟。Stir in chilli powder and flour. Cook for 1 minute.

这道鸡配上了芫荽和红辣椒。The chicken was garnished with coriander and red chilli.

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不同种类的辣椒的辣味也不同。The different sorts of chilli pep pers vary in pungency.

我们要采购豆蔻,辣椒粉,孜然,罗望子。We want to buy Cardamom, Chilli Powder, Cumin, Tamarind.

我公司生产各种蘸酱、辣椒酱、调味酱等。We have produced a variety of Dipping Souce, Chilli Sauce.

最后洒入红椒及�粒,上碟。Lastly sprinkle in diced red chilli and spring onion. Dish.

把辣汁料与蒜及姜茸拌匀。Mix chilli sauce ingredients together with garlic and ginger.

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加1勺辣椒粉,适量盐和胡椒,拌匀。Supply 1 tsp chilli flake, season with salt and pepper. Stir.

取出隔净油份,蘸淮盐或甜辣酱吃。Remove, drain and serve with spicy salt or sweet chilli sauce.

红辣椒中含有丰富的辣椒红素、辣椒黄素。There is rich capsanthin and chilli orange in capsicum annuml.