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IGES文件的分析及数据提取。Analyze IGES files and extract graphics data.

介绍了IGES后处理器设计的全过程。This paper presents the implementation of an IGES post-processor.

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提出一种将IGES文件格式转换成STL文件格式的算法。A new arithmetic of transforming IGES files to STL files is presented.

本文根据IGES的格式要求,编制了一IGES格式转换程序应用于实践。In this paper, we design a IGES transfer program applied to reverse engneenng.

在软件的实现中采用了COM组件技术,保证了代码的可重用性。IGES reading and writing engine is designed. COM technology is used for software reusing.

本文就IGES在低压电器三维仿真计算系统中的应用作一分析研究。Application of IGES in the 3D simulation and calculation system was researched in the paper.

另外还将测量得到的数据进行了IGES标准文件格式的转换,以利进行后续处理。After that, the measure data is converted to IGES format in order for the subsequent processing.

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介绍了目前国际上使用最广的数据格式—IGES的发展过程及其主要内容。It introduces the development of IGES -the most widely used for mats for data exchange in the world.

IGES或许是亚洲唯一的专注环境的政策研究机构。The IGES is probably the only policy research institute that specializes in the environment in Asia.

该方法可移植性不如IGES标准,但它是一种比较实际可行的处理方法,实现起来相对容易。The method′s compatible isn′t more advanced than IGES standard, but it is a more actual and more easy to fulfill.

开发一种方便输入的IGES前置处理器,用户能方便地输入二维图纸的参数信息,系统自动生成对应零件三维模型的IGES文件。A new IGES pre-processor is developed in this paper, by which user can use to input parameters of parts continently.

标准格式IGES和德国汽车工业协会在欧洲流行的口味,往往由软件开发人员,以适应他们的数据库结构。The standard format IGES and the popular VDA in Europe are often flavored by software developers to fit their database structures.

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本文分析了IGES在数据交换中存在的主要问题,提出了产品数据在逻辑和物理两个层次上进行交换的思想。This paper analyzes the main problems of product data exchange using IGES with the idea that data exchange on both logic and physical layers.

并且,MDT能导入其他CAD系统中的IGES和STEP图形文件,这样,其它CAD中的图形在MDT中也可以实现图形信息的提取。And, MDT can open IGES and STEP file of other CAD systems . In this way, the drawing can realize the abstraction of information too in MDT in other CAD.

提出了用IGES数据接口进行义齿CAD系统与CAM系统的集成,并对IGES的文件格式进行了研究,为以后IGES接口的开发奠定了基础。Put forward that integrate the CAD system with CAM system by the IGES interface, and studied on the format of the IGES files for its development in the future.

在目标造型端添加了识别读入IGES文件的端口后,解除了对模型造型格式的严格限制,扩大了其应用范围。Having added the interface that can identify and read IGES files, the limit to the type of the modeling files is released and the GRECO method's application range is extended.

通过对读入的IGES三维线框文件进行预处理,使之满足特征识别的需要,采用基于几何推理的特征识别技术实现了对冲压件主型面特征、冲孔特征、翻孔特征的识别与提取。By disposing data of importing IGES line, the system can realize the recognition and extraction of typical stamp features, such as primary face feature, punch feature and flange feature.