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因此可以说滞涨已经来临了?So is stagflation looming over the horizon?

所以美联储正面临着问题。There's a name for this it's called stagflation.

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滞涨一词便是为这10年而造。The term "stagflation" was coined for that decade.

但是,中国滞胀对投资者意味着什么呢?But what does a Chinese stagflation means for investors?

旧日滞涨会重现吗?COULD the bad old days of stagflation be about to return?

具有中国特色的滞涨究竟将是怎样的呢?What would stagflation with Chinese characteristics look like?

的确,为今天的滞胀种下祸根的正是各国央行。Indeed, central banks laid the foundations for today's stagflation.

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我仍然认为,全球经济的主路是通向滞胀的。I still think that the central path for the global economy is stagflation.

在美国,滞涨曾经导致执政党在选举中失利。In the U.S., stagflation has led to electoral losses for the governing party.

莫被股市反弹忽悠,世界已坐上了通往滞涨的地铁。Ignore the stock market rally, the world is heading for a long stretch of stagflation

请阅览我后附专栏文章,该文论证世界正处于滞涨的通道之中。Please see the attached my op-ed piece arguing that the world is heading towards stagflation.

卡特那薄如白纸的胜利只是因为水门事件、经济停滞与越南的失败才勉强得到的。Carter had eked out a paper-thin victory only because of Watergate, stagflation and defeat in Vietnam.

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如果联邦政府无法控制符弱势美元的预期,停止性通胀将比我预期的更早来临。If the Fed doesn't rein in the weak dollar expectation, stagflation will arrive sooner than I expected.

更多的信贷会导致更高的商品价格,为中国经济带来滞涨的隐忧。More bank lending may lead to higher commodity prices, threatening stagflation for the Chinese economy.

当时最严重的情况是在通货膨胀物价剧增时导致经济萧条或可怕的滞涨现象。Worst cases can lead to recession or the dreaded "stagflation", when inflation soars and growth sputters.

滞涨是保罗•萨谬尔逊为了解释高通涨和高失业的组合创造的专门名词。Stagflation was a term coined by Paul Samuelson to describe the combination of high inflation and high unemployment.

如果信贷潮不冷静下来,这股力量将把中国的收入转移至外国人麾下,而且经济滞涨将会在今后很长时间内困扰中国。If lending doesn’t cool, this force would transfer Chinese income to foreigners and trigger stagflation for a long time to come.

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1972年和1974年,两座再次刷新世界纪录的摩天大楼相继落成,随后,全球经济发生了严重滞胀。The two record-breaking skyscrapers were completed in 1972 and 1974 respectively, with a severe global stagflation in their wakes.

正如大萧条时期催生了凯恩斯主义,20世纪70年代的滞涨引发了社会的集体抵制,如今,一场创造性大破坏也即将来临。Just as the Depression spawned Keynesianism, and the 1970s stagflation fuelled a backlash, creative destruction is already under way.

受美国联储局议息会议和滞胀忧虑,全球股市预料波动徧软向下。Global stock markets will likely be volatile with downward bias on US Fed Reserve meeting on interest rate and on stagflation concern.