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他是一个冒牌哲学家。He is a pretender to philosophy.

没有一个人想要成为一个伟大的伪装者。No one wants to be a great pretender.

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或者巴斯丁的王座终于有人来继承了。Maybe Bastin had a pretender to his throne after all.

噢,的确,我是个最好的伪装者,在属于我的世界里漂流着。Oh, yes, I'm the great pretender adrift in a world of my own.

目前,标底编制主要采用定额法和实物量法。Now the workout method of pretender is a norm and practical method.

造反势力是由觊觎王位者领导的。A humiliated pretender governed a rump kingdom from Bourges in the south.

让那个城堡从一个叛乱者手中转手到另一个那里,对我们有什么麻烦么?Let the castle pass from one pretender to another why should that trouble us?

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在反对者眼中,肯尼迪并非一个真正的王者,只是一个初涉政坛的新人、一个天主教徒、一个据说是无赖的儿子。To his detractors, Kennedy was a pretender to the throne, callow and Catholic, the son of a supposed crook.

这个魔法将从天堂召唤来一个狂暴天使,利用他协助自己的伪神并惩罚对手。This spell calls down an Angel of Fury from the heavens so he can aid the Pretender God in punishing all false Pretenders.

但是,如果你要花四十七年,去争夺王位,是很不容易的,他做得很艰苦But,it's hard,if you're fourty-seven years, your job is a pretender to the throne, it's difficult.He had a hard time getting around.

这么说吧,这是因为她是个曼联球迷,而和那些乱七八糟把他和灰姑娘比的那些一点关系都没有。Presumably because she's a United fan and not because she has always wanted to be compared to Tom Kiefer of glam rock pretender Cinderella.

除了非洲的语言环境有足够的流动性,其未来的选择将受外部的影响外,还没有其他的语言能跨足够的区域。No pretender is pan-regional enough, and only Africa's linguistic situation may be sufficiently fluid to have its future choices influenced by outsiders.

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泛区域性的替代者是没有影响的,而且只有非洲的语言境况会改变很快,因为它的未来被外界所左右。No pretender is pan-regional enough, and only Africa’s linguistic situation may be sufficiently fluid to have its future choices influenced by outsiders.

水利工程建设项目施工招标标底是招标人对工程投资的预测价格,是测算,价投标报价合理性的依据。Theconstruction bidding pretender of hydraulic project is forecasting price for project investment, is rational gist of measuringand bidding quoted price.

“雇佣剑士为钱而战,”大学士派席尔称。“只要有足够的黄金,我们可以策反黄金团让他们交出康宁顿和觊位者。”"Sellswords fight for coin" declared Grand Maester Pycelle. "With enough gold we might persuade the Golden Company to hand over Lord Connington and the pretender. "

水利工程建设项目施工招标标底是招标人对工程投资的预测价格,是测算、价投标报价合理性的依据。The construction bidding pretender of hydraulic project is forecasting price for project investment, is rational gist of measuring and evaluating bidding quoted price.

水利工程建设项目施工招标标底是招标人对工程投资的预测价格,是测算、评价投标报价合理性的依据。The construction bidding pretender of hydraulic project is forecasting price for project investment, is rational gist of measuring and evaluating bidding quoted price.

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“够了,”拉姆西大人挥舞着他沾满血的长矛吼道,“再威胁一次我就统统了你们。我的父亲大人刚刚说了!忍着你们的愤怒,统统对觊觎者史坦尼斯发泄去吧。”"Enough, " roared Lord Ramsay, brandishing his bloody spear. "Another threat, and I'll gut you all myself. My lord father has spoken! Save your wroth for the pretender Stannis. "

而亨利呢,既确保了安茹南部边界的安稳,也以这一下兰花拂穴手让自己顿时从诺曼底公爵的位置扶摇直上,乃至觊觎英格兰王位,甚至在欧罗巴的舞台上也能大展宏图。Henry, on the other hand, had secured the southern borders of Anjou, and at a single stroke had elevated his status from duke of Normandy and pretender to the English throne, to major European player.