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你不负责任,不可信赖。You're irresponsible and untrustworthy.

但是,你知道真正不负责任的是什么?But you know what’s really irresponsible?

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像他那种吊儿郎当的人,我实在受不了。I can not stand irresponsible guys like him.

对增加税收的谈论也是不负责任的。The talk of tax rises is also irresponsible.

金吉奇既非冷酷无情,也非不负责任。Djindjic was neither ruthless nor irresponsible.

让这种疑虑蔓延是不负责任的。It would be irresponsible to let this doubt spread.

亲戚们数落他,骂他是不孝子。Relatives have scolded him, saying he is irresponsible.

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如果没有这回事,是谁在信口雌黄?If there is no such thing, and who is irresponsible remarks?

不负责任的新闻工作者肆意诽谤的事太多了。There's too much mud- slinging by irresponsible journalists.

他们开始偷懒,开始变得不负责任。Well, they start to get lazy or they start to get irresponsible.

可恶,你这溜班的混球,准备开除吧!Damned! You irresponsible bastard, get ready for your dismission!

继续生产和销售单一药物是不负责任的行为。To continue to produce and market monotherapies is irresponsible.

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可恶,妳这溜班的混球,准备被开除吧!Damned! You irresponsible bastard, get ready for your dismission !

四喜冒险回到刘家,质问擎天为什么做事不负责任。Four like back to the liu risk, questioned why giant irresponsible.

此刻我感觉到一种懒散的舒适和轻松的惬意。I am feeling listlessly comfortable and delightfully irresponsible.

双子座人通常缺乏责任心,并不值得你付出一切。To you, Gemini's are irresponsible and unworthy of your dedication.

纪烈武说,“那是对这个国家对这个民族不负责任。”" Ji said, "It is very irresponsible to the country and the nation.

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不负责任的恐怖分子“骑劫”了回教,损害了回教的名誉。While irresponsible terrorists have "hijacked" the good name of Islam.

他这种不辞而别的行为是极其不负责的。It is exceedingly irresponsible of him to leave without saying goodbye.

他不顾后果,而信口雌黄。He made irresponsible remarks at random, regardless of the consequences.