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我们应该报答他的好意。We should repay his kindness.

我们永远也偿还不了这笔债了。You can never repay that debt.

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出来混,始终要还的。Chu Laihun always have to repay.

欠下的情债要怎么偿还呢?Love how debts owed to repay it?

我如何才能报答你对我的恩情。How can I ever repay your kindness.

但是你必须偿还其他两种。But you have to repay the other two.

有一天能报答您。oneday I shall be able to repay you.

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生活中的“人情债”该如何偿还?How do you repay "debt of gratitude"?

总有一天我会报答你对我的恩德。I will repay your benefaction one day.

你对我的恩情我永远也报答不完。I can never repay you for your kindness.

嗨,嗨,我答应过我会报答你的。Heh , heh . I hold you I would repay you.

“我要报答您,”贵族说。“I want to repay you,” said the nobleman.

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有什么方法可以让我为此对你进行回报?Is there someway I can repay you for this?

他们央求有更多的时间来了偿存款。They ced for more time to repay the loper.

我永远报答不完你多方的好意。I cannot repay you for all your kindnesses.

解铃还须系铃人。Solve bell to repay beard system bell body.

我从未能报答她对我的许多恩惠。I can never repay her many kindnesses to me.

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咁都要有番少少既回报俾番佢地既。I need to repay them even just a little bit.

你就能得到一笔不用偿还的助学金。you get a grant that you don't have to repay.

不要在必须施恩时,收回你的双手。Let not your hand be shut when you should repay.