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他发明了一种新型听诊器。He invented a new type of stethoscope.

德克萨斯州沃斯堡力学听诊器。Fort Worth, Texas, and mechanics stethoscope.

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新型的听诊器有待发明。A new-type stethoscope has yet to be invented.

想用新花样摆放医生的听诊器吗?Want to put your doctor's stethoscope in a twist?

我公司对你方的520型听诊器很感兴趣。I am specifically interested in your stethoscope model 520.

然后我又发现听诊器找不到了,简直让我崩溃。And then it drives mecrazy that I can't find my stethoscope.

其音为低音调,用钟式听诊器听得最清楚。It is a low-pitched sound, best heard with the stethoscope bell.

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血压检查包括用听诊器诊断和无液气压计监听。Blood pressure checks involve a stethoscope and an aneroid monitor.

1819年发明听诊器的法国医生勒内·雷奈克…Rene Laennec, French physician who invented the stethoscope in 1819, died.

然后医生拿出听诊器宣布犯人死亡。Then a doctor pulled out his stethoscope and pronounced the condemned man dead.

用听诊器听猫发出呼噜呼噜的声音,也是很好的放松技巧。Listening to a purring cat through a stethoscope is also a great relaxation technique.

将听诊器放在臂动脉上袖带的远端。Place the stethoscope just under the distal part of the cuff over the brachial artery.

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杂音通常由听诊器探测到,提示动脉阻塞。A bruit is usually detected with a stethoscope and is an indicator of arterial blockage.

她把听诊器放入白大褂的左口袋中,这正是她一向放它的地方。She put the stethoscope in the left pocketof her lab coat--the same place she always left it.

搏,并指导他的年轻助手杰西·雷诺兹戴上听诊器也听一听。He instructed his young assistant, Jessie Reynolds, to put up her stethoscope and do the same.

不断缓慢释放压力,直到你不再能从听诊器内听到声音。Keep releasing the pressure slowly until you can no longer hear the sounds in the stethoscope.

她穿着绿色消毒服外面套了一件白色外套,脖子上围着听诊器“有事吗?”She was wearing green scrubs with a white lab coat, and a stethoscope was around her neck "Yes?"

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这就是世界卫生组织先生,它是穿着飘动的医院白色外罩并拿着一支闪光听诊器的超人。This Dr. WHO was a super-man dressed in a flowing white hospital coat and carrying a sparkling stethoscope.

我站在角落里,摘掉我戴着的听诊器脱掉白大褂,静静地等待科迪给如斯进行体检。I leaned in the corner, stripped of my stethoscope and white coat of authority, as Chip stood examining Ruth.

当套袖慢慢膨胀时,医生用听诊器听血泵入动脉的过程。As the cuff is slowly deflated, your doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to the blood pumping through the artery.