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首先,重展你的笑颜。First, regain your smile.

贝巴螚重拾弗格森的信任吗?Can Berbatov regain Ferguson's trust?

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他们能否恢复昔日友好的兄弟情?Did they regain their friendship afterward?

重获珍宝的感受是难以言喻的。Thefeeling of regain treasure is inexpressible.

点解个灯神可以样衰成咁!Aladdin must regain the lamp or lose everything.

它让我重新获得安宁,精力,和斗志。They help me regain peace, energy and motivation.

恒指将会高开并重上20000水平。HSI is expected to open higher to regain 20000 level.

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他再没能恢复意识,下午3点35分总统去世了。He did not regain consciousness and died at 3.35 p.m.

上帝等候着人们在智慧中重获童年。God waits for man to regain his child- hood in wisdom.

现在俄罗斯想要恢复其在后院的影响力。And now Russia wants to regain influence in its backyard.

王教授说中国红十字会亟需恢复其信誉。Wang says the RCSC badly needs to regain its credibility.

使用首乌发乳让您再现青春。You may regain your youth By applying "Shouwu"hair cream.

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重拾童年的美好,心灵无暇像块宝。To regain the happiness of childhood, like a treasure heart.

重新拾回当你还是孩提时候,保持身体充满活力的好习惯吧。Regain your hobbies that kept you physically active as a kid.

直到经济反弹之前该公司都无法站稳脚跟。The firm won't regain its footing until the economy rebounds.

用于快速测定原棉回潮率。Used for testing the regain percentage of raw cotton quickly.

然而,他们需要做些什么来恢复他们昔日的光辉形象呢?What would they need to do to regain their image as the best?

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用于快速测定原棉回潮率。Used for testing the regain per- centage of raw cotton quickly.

戴尔将能重拾回了其领先地位,在重建置业?Will Dell be able to regain back its leadership position in MSS?

不过,也许即使是奇策妙计也不足以挽回损失。But even smarter tactics might not be enough to regain lost ground.