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这张图上,被怀疑为雇佣军的人被扣在班加西至图卜鲁格公路的一个反对派检查站。Here, suspected mercenaries are detained at a rebel checkpoint on the road between Benghazi and Tobruk.

德尔纳民众截获了反对派运往图卜鲁格前线的大量食物。People of Derna have captured a large Supply of Food that was heading to Rebels fighting at Frontlines of Tobruk.

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Tobruk的志愿者带着食物、水、燃料来到难民这里生起篝火煮饭,或共用小型的发电机。Volunteers from Tobruk bring food, water and fuel to the refugees, who cook on campfires or share small power generators.

萨里尔和附近的米斯拉赫油田在本周经叛军控制的托布鲁克出口的原油中占绝大多数。Oil fields in Sarir and nearby Mislah are supplying most of the crude oil to be exported this week via the rebel-held port of Tobruk.

图卜鲁格正在交战,否决派进入部分地区,图卜鲁格平易近众和绿色抵抗力量与NTC否决派在冲突中交战。Fighting inside of Tobruk. The rebels have entered some areas. but People of Tobruk Green resistance are fighting the NTC in big clashes.

该城坐落于两条高速公路的始发点,一条蜿蜒通往Benghazi,另一条向东通往临近埃及的叛军占据的石油港口Tobruk。The town sits at the start of two highways, one snaking north to Benghazi, the other cutting east to the rebel-held oil port of Tobruk near Egypt.

此前,一艘油轮抵达利比亚东部港口图卜鲁格,接收从被叛军占领的地区出口的第一批石油。Earlier, an oil tanker arrived at the eastern Libyan port of Tobruk to pick up the first consignment of oil to be exported from the rebel-held region.

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托布鲁克约一个半小时的车程从利比亚与埃及,通过平面,人口稀少灌木地中海沿岸车道边界的一半。Tobruk is about an hour and a half by car from Libya's border with Egypt, a drive through flat, sparsely populated scrubland along the Mediterranean coast.

Tobruk的志愿者带着食物、水、燃料来到难民这里生起篝火煮饭,或共用小型的发电机。Volunteers from Tobruk bring food, water and fuel to the refugees, who cook on campfires or share small power generators. “The situation is very dangerous.

讲述了在二战期间的北非一群被放逐的捷克士兵在著名的托布鲁克战役中与同盟国一道与纳粹轴心国作战的充满人性的故事。A humanistic story about Czech soldiers in exile who fought on the side of the Allies against Nazis and Fascists in the infamous battle of Tobruk in North Africa during WWII.

一整天,Tobruk来的志愿者沿着沙漠高速公路运送食物,水和装满汽油的塑料容器来解救无助的汽车和卡车。And throughout the day, volunteers from Tobruk ferried food, water, and plastic containers filled with gasoline down the long desert highway to rescue stranded cars and trucks.

她请求散件事──她应该得到恢复她名誉的许可,虐待她的人要被公诉,她和她的家人能在东部城市Torbruk重聚。She had asked for three things -- that she be allowed to clear her name, that her abusers are prosecuted and that she be reunited with her family in the eastern city of Tobruk.

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一些人已经在逃亡沙漠途中用完了汽油,连接Ajdabiyah和东部城市Tobruk的400公里长的沙地高速公路没有一个营业的加油站。Some had run out of gasoline en route as they fled across the flat, 400-kilometer long sandy highway with no working gas station that connects Ajdabiyah to the eastern city of Tobruk.

当非洲军团在1941年4月往前推进,并沿着利比亚和埃及边界建立起新的战线时,托布鲁克城被留在轴心国进攻方向的后方。When the Afrika Korps was advancing in April 1941 and a new frontline was established along the Libyan-Egyptian border, the city of Tobruk was left behind in the rear of the Axis advance.