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经济就是晴雨表。The barometer is economic.

经济地位承认了。Economic station is admited.

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一种醇酸类的经济油漆。It's a alkyds economic paint.

在经济复苏期启动公司。Launch into an economic recovery.

联合国驻经社理事会的英文?。Economic and Social Council of UN.

经济脱钩,并非一个神话。Economic decoupling is not a myth.

我说的经济冲击。I'm talking about economic shocks.

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经济分析的OMB循环。OMB Circular on Economic Analysis.

印度经济时报倒想出出主意!The Economic Times has some ideas.

智利仍然是一支经济劲旅。Chile remains an economic stalwart.

给牛场带来巨大的经济损失。Bring huge economic losses to farms.

这是一个新的经济巨人。This is the new economic powerhouse.

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现在,终于迎来了经济报应。Now, economic retributions has began.

中国早已成为经济巨人。China is already an economic colossus.

经济状况没有改善。Economic conditions have not bettered.

她以合算的方式把房子租出去。She let her house at an economic rent.

他们有些人钻了经济政策的空子。Some of them beat the economic policy.

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这夲书探讨俓济问题。This book treats of economic problems.

这种援助其实是经济侵略。Such aids amount to economic aggression.

鞣料植物具有巨大的经济价值。Tannin plant is of great economic value.