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那么,哪些人将成为首当其冲的受害者?And who will bear the brunt of these cuts?

出现险情时,这支部队总是首当其冲。This unit always bears the brunt of any danger.

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傻小子一向是众人的笑柄。This young man bore the brunt of everyone's jokes.

在缅甸战役中,印军首当其冲。Indian troops bore the brunt of the Burma campaigns.

在那能把我眼睛吹得凹进眼眶的劲风中Through the brunt wind that dented the balls of my eyes

毫无疑问,非洲人受到艾兹病流行的影响最大。There's no doubt Africans have borne the brunt of the AIDS epidemic.

布劳姆·凡·布鲁恩特骑着他那匹跑得最快的,叫达瑞威尔的马去了晚会。Brom Van Brunt rode to the party on his fastest horse called Daredevil.

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本月,美国经受了两次龙卷风的侵袭。The US has born the brunt of two spates of tornadoes in the past month.

在投资者消除资产风险时,贱金属首当其冲。Base metals in particular have borne the brunt of investors de-risking portfolios.

大学学费最主要靠父母,而后才是奖学金和助学金。Parents bore the brunt of paying for college, followed by scholarships and grants.

他差派他无罪的儿子承担我们应该遭受的全部刑罚。He sent His sinless Son to bear the full brunt of the penalty we deserved to suffer.

青年干部是国家的未来,是我国改革开放的主力。Young cadre is national future, it is the brunt of our country reforming and opening.

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"五年期公债可能是美联储购买较多的券种,"Mitchell称."The five-year sector is probably going to see the brunt of the buying," Mitchell said.

通常,这些通风器会被装置在头盔后方,这样就不会直接面对爆炸的冲击了。Normally it would be placed behind the helmet so it wouldn't face the brunt of the blast.

其中有一个就是一个叫布劳姆·凡·布鲁恩特的年轻体壮的人。One was a strong young man named Brom Van Brunt. Brom was a hero to all the young ladies.

作为投资者首选的英镑也让人忧虑,因为电缆已经从1.7257狂跌至1.6796。The Gbp felt the brunt of investor's fears, as the cable collapsed from 1.7257 to 1.6796.

“你身体那一侧肌肉承受着体重和压力的冲击”,奎罗斯提醒道。“The muscles on that side are taking the brunt of your weight and stress,” warns Queiros.

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俾路支省首府奎达,是不遗余力的冲击力,但也有伤亡。Balochistan's capital, Quetta, was spared the brunt of the force, but there were injuries.

欧洲的金融系统首当其冲,欧盟国家如临大敌。Bear the brunt of the financial system in Europe, the European Union country on its guard.

她见他只是为了让布劳姆嫉妒,这样他就会娶她吗?Had Katrina been seeing Ichabod just to make Brom Van Brunt jealous so he would marry her?