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这些是易碎品。These are fragile.

瓷器是易碎的。The china is fragile.

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这个包裹是易碎品吗?Is this package fragile?

请多加小心,这是易碎品。Be careful, it's fragile.

他的壳变脆了。His shell became fragile.

信任是件易碎品。Trust is a fragile thing.

这孩子身体太娇。The child's health is fragile.

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一堆易碎的瓷盘。This glass dish is very fragile.

这些易碎的箱子完整无损地运到了。The fragile boxes arrived intact.

常住此脆弱瓦瓶。Indwells this fragile jar of clay.

这纸太脆。This kind of paper is too fragile.

箱子里的玻璃杯是易碎品。The glasses in the box are fragile.

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人心,异常脆弱,易碎品。Heart, very frail, fragile products.

生命像瓷碗一样地脆弱。Life is as fragile as the porcelain.

看看你自己,娇弱的像一朵花。Look at you, as fragile as a flower.

心理上他们更脆弱。Psychologically they’re more fragile.

请问有无贵重物品和易碎品?Is there anything valuable or fragile?

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易碎品应小心轻放。Fragile good must be handled with care.

这是易碎品,我要随身带着。This is fragile. I need to carry it on.

是的,你很美丽,怯弱,娇柔。Yes, you're beautiful, fearful, fragile.