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女人也是扬升之子。Yes, women, you are Ascending Sons.

果梗上升的或极叉开。Fruiting pedicels ascending or divaricate.

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一棵树高耸在那里,哦,完美的超升!A tree ascending there. O pure transcension!

至死不悔自堑壕升起。From their graves in the trenches ascending.

我是一个来自先进星球的扬升之子。I am an Ascending Son from an advanced planet.

我们看着迷雾由山谷升起。We watched the mists ascending from the valley.

为什么我花了大半辈子拾级而上。Why I have spent half my life ascending upward.

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登高望远能淘冶情操。Ascending a height can cultivate your sentiment.

其中一幅叫做“致展翅高飞的云雀”。One of his prints is called "For Ascending Larks".

不过,我们先得按照由小到大的顺序排序。But first, we must sort the list by ascending counts.

搜索结果也可以按升序显示。The results can also be presented in ascending order.

我们是提升的至爱而不希望分离。We are ascending beloveds and do not wish to be apart.

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高八度的振动频率是低音的两倍。Ascending octaves double the frequency of the lower note.

下面按照优先级上升的顺序列出了这些参数。The parameters are listed in ascending order of priority.

可以对这一列按升序或降序排序。You may sort this column in ascending or descending order.

其中之一就是上去下来的救世主形象。One of them is the descending and ascending redeemer figure.

门关了,电梯继续向上运行。The door of the elevator was closed and continued ascending.

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这是为什么酱汤对提升形体有良好滋补的原因。This is why miso soup is a good tonic for an ascending form.

保罗·克利去世至今,声名从未停止过上升。Paul Klee's fame has never stopped ascending since his death.

这些列可以按正序或倒序排序。These columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order.