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多多的原谅我。Forgave me a lot.

她原谅了她的虐待者。She forgave her abuser.

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本尼总是原谅他们。Benny always forgave them.

我原谅了那些伤害过我的人。I forgave those who hurt me.

后来,我父母原谅了我。After a while, my parents forgave me.

他永不会原谅她不洁的媾和。He never forgave her unholy alliance.

她原谅了所有曾羟伤害过她的人。She forgave all those who had harmed her.

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但安得鲁因仁慈而完全原谅了她。But Andrew forgave her completely with charity.

因为鸦片战争,所以中国人永远不会原谅英国人。China never forgave the Anglos for the Opium Wars.

上帝祈望我们原谅我们的同胞如同他原谅我们一般。God expects us to forgive people as He forgave us.

也许你真的已健忘,体味我们的思疑?Maybe you really forgave us knowin' we was confused?

也许你真的已忘记,了解我们的困惑?Maybe you really forgave us knowin’ we was confused?

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曼纽拉斯原谅了她并把她带回斯巴达。Menelaus forgave her and brought her back to Sparta.

大多数澳大利亚人也早就原谅日本人了。有容乃大啊!Most Australians forgave the Japanese long ago as well.

不,不,我很久以前就原谅他了,我指的是我父亲。No, no. I forgave him a long time ago. It was my father.

我受伤了,虽然还没到催毁性程度,可我选择原谅他,向前迈进。I was hurt, but not devastated, forgave him and moved on.

该记者损害了他家的名声,他永远不会原谅该记者。He never forgave the reporter for besmirching his family's name.

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菲德尔原谅了杰姬,杰姬也晓得父亲是真的爱本人。Fidel forgave Jackie, Jackie also know father really love himself.

西门回答说,我想是那多得恩免的人。Simon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave most.

凯奇的弟弟从她练习本上撕了一页,她原谅了他。Cage forgave her brother for tearing off a page from her exercise book.