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火鸡万岁!Viva la turkey!

瑜伽在洛杉矶流行吗?Is yoga popular in LA?

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第2场比赛将于北京时间7日继续在洛杉矶举行。Game 2 is Monday in LA.

罗克沦陷的那天?。The day La Roque falls?

不,我来自韩国。No, ven go dal la Corea.

回到意大利国家队?A return to La Nazionale?

拉科鲁尼亚是一个很大的伤痛。La Coruna was a big hurt.

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弗吉尼亚没有讲实情。Virginia no dice la verdad.

不在洛杉矶,你抗拒地大喊。Not in LA you shout defiantly.

白鸽象征着和平。La Paloma is a symbol of peace.

见到你很高兴,直到香格里拉景色。Nice to meet you, hasta la vista.

法兰西万岁!Vive la France! Long live France!

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您是第一次来罗马吗?E la prima volta che viene a Roma?

是要看他的心意的,好不好?Is not bcos of easy to cook la ok?

洛杉矶湖人是我们的篮球队。LA Lakers are our basketball team.

现为特塞拉岛首府。Tese La Island is now the capital.

拉夏贝尔的股票在哪些交易所进行交易?How do I buy Stocks of La Chapelle?

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可怜的拉埃尔姆,她多么天真!How innocent that poor la Herme is!

他们回到1815年香格里拉霉。They returned to La Trappe in 1815.

1944年出生于阿根廷拉里奥哈省。Born in La Rioja, Argentina in 1944.