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你夜不能寐吗?How are you sleeping?

我需要一辆卧车。I need a sleeping car.

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我想睡到自然醒。I feel like sleeping in.

而今他就长眠于此。Now he is sleeping here.

她睡得正香。She is sleeping soundly.

从今晚起彻夜不眠!No Sleeping From Tonight!

同睡张着嘴。Sleeping with mouth open.

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于是小兔子睡觉了。So the rabbit is sleeping.

什么是昏睡病?What is sleeping sickness?

第一,入睡困难。First, difficulty sleeping.

我喜欢吃吃睡睡。I like eating and sleeping.

在榻上睡得正香的才是我妻子。In bed sleeping is my wife.

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师父已经睡着了。Master is already sleeping.

那就从裸睡开始。Start sleeping in the nude.

他唤醒学生们沉睡的心灵。He awakens sleeping spirits.

停止睡眠,人就会死。If you stop sleeping you die.

妈妈咪呀!你是勒困哦?Mama-miya! Are you sleeping?!

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他现在在卧铺车里。He is now in the sleeping car.

我决定现在开始补充睡眠。I need to start sleeping more.

一个我做的美梦。A dream when I 'm not sleeping.