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这个细微的触碰将会引起晶体的震颤。This minuscule nudge will set the crys tal vibrating.

在校学生在整个计划中其实只占了极小的一部分。The students are such a minuscule portion of this program.

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肯明斯的诗都是用小书写体写成的。E. E. Cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters.

全景图显示出许多不比微小圆点大的物体。The holo-image now showed several tiny objects, no more than minuscule dots.

硫原子能吸附有毒的水银,用它们覆盖住每一个微小的洞。Sulfur atoms, which can bind poisonous mercury, coat each of the minuscule holes.

你获得的肌肉相对于全身的骨骼肌来说只是一小部分。The muscle you gain is minuscule compared with the total amount of skeletal muscle in the body.

说到底,一个像大象这样的大家伙,究竟为什么要害怕像小老鼠这样一个小不点儿呢?After all, what business does a large creature like an elephant have to fear from a minuscule mouse?

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该法案大到宏观视野,小到照明灯具的技术规格等细节,都一揽无余。It ranges from grand vision to minuscule details such as technical specifications on lighting fixtures.

护目镜,挡风玻璃,甚至外科内视镜上的水气如果没有聚集成水滴流走,镜面就会起雾。Goggles, windshields, even surgical endoscopes fog when minuscule vapor droplets do not coalesce and run off.

而其他人却断定太阳在气候变化问题上只担当了个跑龙套。Others are equally evangelical in their assertions that the sun plays only a minuscule role in climate change.

但是这些人里并不包括那些爱穿超短裙,爱把裤子跨跨的堆在屁股上,和爱穿紧身吊带衫的人们。These do not necessarily include people who wear extremely short skirts, droopy jeans, or minuscule tank tops.

当分子从一边或另一边撞击液滴时,两液滴组成的小旋转器就顺时针或逆时针转动。This minuscule rotor wiggled clockwise or anticlockwise as molecules bumped into it from one side or the other.

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它们质量极小,不带电荷,可以穿透几乎任何物体而不留痕迹。They have a minuscule mass, no electric charge, and pass through almost any material as though it was not there.

我们或许被引领经过一些不同的风景,但我们所到之处却只?10500个可能解中极渺小的部份。We are led through some varied scenery, but we pass by only a minuscule fraction of the 10500 possible solutions.

这种想法基于在极小的空室内探测慢速粒子在引力作用下产生的细微振动。The idea rests on probing any minuscule variations in gravity as it acts on slow-moving neutrons in a tiny cavity.

船舶使用风能推动其自身旋转并将海水的微小水滴喷洒到空气中。The ships use energy from the wind to propel themselves around and spray minuscule droplets of sea water into the air.

很多人不愿使用手机上小小的搜索栏和局促的键盘进行搜索。Many people shyaway from calling up minuscule search bars on their phones and peckingout queries using cramped keyboards.

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现今的听筒可能小到隐藏在你的耳环或就在你的外衣领上的一小辍点缀上。Today's earpieces may give way to smaller devices hidden in earrings or worn as minuscule patches on the skin near the ear.

本季我们看到各式各样的靴子,从包覆整个下肢的皮靴,到小露脚趾或镂空的裸踝靴款式都有。This season, we've seen everything from lower limbs completely wrapped in leather to minuscule peep-toe and cut-out booties.

人们对每件列车的意外事故总是刨根问底,而对天天在公路上付出的死亡代价只略提一二。Every aspect of a rail incident is explored in minuscule detail, while the daily death toll on the roads receives barely a whisper.