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的确是,我们在迈锡尼旧址所找到的That's, indeed, what we find at Mycenae.

我们很难想象迈锡尼的国王会务农You cannot imagine the great kings of Mycenae doing that.

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在离迈锡尼大约10公里远的地方,我们见到了古代科林斯的遗迹。Around ten kilometres from Mycenae we come across the ruins of ancient Corinth.

他在希腊的迈锡尼岛发现了这个金面具,他认为是阿伽门农国王的遗物。He found this gold mask in a grave at Mycenae and believed it belonged to King Agamemnon.

随着这次成功,他又想到,我已经看到了特洛伊城,那迈锡尼城呢So having succeeded with that, he thought well, now that I've seen Troy, how about Mycenae?

如果你重温一下迈锡尼,我们之前也讲过,你会从某种程度上想到专制If you look at the world of Mycenae once again, we've already seen this, you have a despotism of some kind.

当统治迈锡尼和大部分伯罗奔尼撒地区时,他在所有希腊王子中就已脱颖而出,成为最强有力的统治者。As he ruled over mycenae and a large part of peloponnesus he stood out as the mightiest lord over all the other princes of greece.

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你们下次去迈锡尼古城的时候,一定不要错过那一时期在山坡和城墙之间,挖掘的蓄水池The next time you go to Mycenae don't miss the cistern that was dug in the mountains, on the hillside, within the walls at that period.

长期以来,西方史学界认为,迈锡尼文明衰落后的四个世纪中,希腊一直处于“贫穷”、“无知”的状态中。For a long time, people in the West believed that Greece was in poverty and illiteracy for about four hundred yea after the collapse of Mycenae.

长期以来,西方史学界认为,迈锡尼文明衰落后的四个世纪中,希腊一直处于“贫穷”、“无知”的状态中。For a long time, people in the West believed that Greece was in poverty and illiteracy for about four hundred years after the collapse of Mycenae.

例如,考古学家从前认为这样的粘土碑应该专有的被制作和保存在主要的国家首都或者“宫殿群中心”,比如说皮洛斯和迈锡尼。For example, archaeologists previously thought such tablets were created and kept exclusively at major state capitals, or "palatial centers," such as Pylos and Mycenae.

第二,直到现在,粘土碑也仅在屈指可数的一些主要宫殿中发现,包括之前的纪录保持者也是在迈锡尼城市废墟中发现的。Second, "until now tablets had been found only in a handful of major palaces"—including the previous record holder, which was found among palace ruins in what was the city of Mycenae.

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以致十九世纪欧洲学者的,怀疑论观点遭到了无情的反击,因为历史遗迹的的发现,确实说明了特洛伊和迈锡尼,都曾存在过The hyper-skeptical point of view taken by scholars in Europe in the nineteenth century was eroded very sharply by the discovery of places that really convinced pretty much everybody that there was a Troy, and that there was a Mycenae.

他找到了迈锡尼城,并且这次的挖掘之后,又引发了一轮对于,同时期其他遗迹的挖掘活动,而这也让人们在破解他们的文字之前,有了探索此文明的可能性He found it and it was the excavation of the site of Mycenae which was soon followed by the excavation of other sites from the same period that made it possible for people to talk about this culture, even before they could read the script.