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我百分百赞同。I agree one hundred percent.

我百分之百的肯定。I'm a hundred percent certain.

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我们能给你打九折。We'll give you 10 percent off.

总能量的很小一部分,典型值是百分之几。A few percent is typical, okay.

经语音耳测评定,优良率达90.8%。The fine rate was 90.8 percent.

这种矿石经分析证明含金百分之七十五。The ore assay 75 percent of gold.

我们少算百分之一作为漏损。We allow one percent for leakage.

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上周五,上证指数下跌了3.29%。On Friday, it tumbled 3.29 percent.

人体内的水总量已占了百分之六十。The body is already 60 percent water.

仅仅百分之三。Three percent. The low single digits.

此交易在周一晚些时候在百分之2.51。It traded late Monday at 2.51 percent.

这是一个平方,给你一个比。This is a squared, give you a percent.

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我们给您打九折吧!We'll give you a ten percent discount.

我们可以给你八折优惠。We can offer a twenty percent discount.

但是,福尔曼属于另外的百分之20。But Foreman was in the other 20 percent.

人口中能识文断字的百分比是多少?…What percent of the population can read?

大约百分之五5十的学生是女生。About 50 percent of the pupils are girls.

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我们收现款可以打八折。We can allow 20 percent for cash payment.

我们能给七折的优惠价。We give 30 percent discount off the price.

这是优惠券,用它你可以打九折。You can set a 10 percent discount with it.