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吹散的尘土堆积在窗台上。Blown soil mounded on the window sill.

饭菜仍然在灶上蒸着。The meal was sill steamed on the stove.

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他称该地区的枪战仍然在继续。He said the gunfight in the area is sill on.

窗台上有一只羽毛未丰的小麻雀。A small unfledged sparrow on the window sill.

它们就被放在博物馆的窗台上。They were just left lying on the window sill.

每个窗口有一个悬挑梁发导管。Every window has a cantilevered sill made of Ductal.

他从窗台下摔了下来,跌得肩膀脱了臼。He fell from the window sill and put his shoulder out.

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云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。Cloud like clothes look, the spring breeze blows sill Revlon.

刚好他听到有两只老鼠在门梁上打架,于是他仰起头张着嘴观斗。Just then he heard two big rats fighting on top of the door sill.

西石门铁矿采用无底柱分段崩落采矿法开采。Sublevel caving without sill pillar is used in Xishimen Iron Mine.

岩体是多期形成的,呈岩筒、岩床产出。The rock body was formed in several stages and seen as pipe and sill.

别忘了日本直到现在仍可能被核攻击,除非他们拥核。Japan can sill be nuked today into oblivion until they get some nukes.

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突然一阵强风把小锡士兵吹到窗台上。Suddenly a strong wind blew the small tin soldier onto the window sill.

这些清代花瓶已经在展台上展出了很长时间。The Qing dynasty vases had been displayed on the window sill for years.

有一次,一只鸟死在了窗台上,他们整整一天都躲在厨房的储藏室里。Once a bird died on the sill and they spent the entire day in the pantry.

利用飘窗下的空间放置暖气,增加了空间的完整性。Place radiator below the window sill to increase the wholeness of the space.

她从不流露自己有什么想法。静水流深啊。She's never shown any sign of having a mind of her own. Sill waters run deep.

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但我们仍在努力的寻求与众不同去改变世界,去为希望而梦想。Yet sill we straggle to make a difference to change the world, to dream of hope.

这新颖的作品,创新的思维,使这件作品在展台上“鹤立鸡群”。This novel, the thinking of innovation, make the work on the window sill "stand out".

尽管环保署将温室气体排放量预测值调增一倍,天然气依然具有相对较小些的优势。Now that the EPA has doubled its emissions estimates, the advantages are slimmer sill.