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在顶端,那个函数原型。So up top, the function prototype.

什么是一个函数的原型呢?What's the prototype of a function?

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这个模型是一个电子玩具。This prototype is an electronic toy.

现在我们还在样本阶段。Right now we're in a prototype phase.

设计的原理样机是成功的。The InSAS prototype is proved successful.

上图显示了鹞的原型机。The photo shows the prototype of Harrier.

希腊哲学家,犬儒学派奠基人之一。Greek philosopher, a prototype of the Cynics.

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最早的MRD原型构建在什么时候?When is the earliest MRD for Prototype Build?

再次申明,现在,这还处于实验的样本阶段。Again, this is in a prototype level right now.

我在康宁实验室之一看见过这样的原型。I saw such a prototype in one of Corning's labs.

原型试验研究了流槽的受力性能。Load behavior is studied by prototype experiment.

人们最好准时发送样件。We'd better have the prototype deliveries on time.

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新产品首制样机应进行型式检验。The first new product prototype should be type test.

使用LEGO玩具来制作原型早些发现设计缺陷。Use legos to prototype and catch design flaws early.

很多文件也显示T-35-2原形车也被送到了那里。All documents and the T-35-2 prototype were sent here.

接下来,您必须确认总线原型能正常运行。Next, you should confirm that the Bus prototype works.

另外,原型车已经建立在这个原则。Also, prototype cars have been built on this principle.

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这是Bespin原型的另一个很好的特点。That's the other nice thing about the Bespin prototype.

我们已经有了Parleys.com客户端的第一个GWT原型。We have a first GWT prototype of the client.

这个函数原型中,它指的意思地址。Here in functions prototype it just means the address of.