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你在讨论种族主义的时候不可能将三K党排除在外。And you can't discuss racism and not include the Klan.

他干的就是搞了个叫做“三K党”的组织。What he did was, he started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.

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这个组织在工业界类似于黑手党。The organization is a sort of Ku Klux Klan in the industrial sphere.

你看,三K党讨厌黑人,犹太人,天主教徒,在这一秩序。You see, the Ku Klux Klan hates blacks, Jews, and Catholics, in that order.

只知道他是极-有-财的破月亮部落的一员。It is, however, known that he is a member of the super-wealthy Bad Moonz Klan.

但是,负责监控本土极端组织的安全部门官员并不视三K党为主要威胁。Yet the Klan is not viewed with great concern bysecurity officials monitoring homegrown, extremist hate groups.

1979年春天,三K党及其全国指挥官戴维.杜克,决定在小石城举行一个会议。In the spring of 1979, the Ku Klux Klan and its national director, David Duke, decided to hold a meeting in Little Rock.

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路易斯安那州官方表示一名女子被三K党招纳入会,后因拒绝被枪杀。Louisiana authorities say a woman recruited for a Ku Klux Klan initiation ritual was shot and killed after she tried to back out.

在头领被暴徒残杀后,舰队被派往海地,三k党被认为是“慈善组织”。Marines were dispatched to Haiti after a mob killed its president and the Ku Klux Klan was reestablished as a 'benevolent' organisation.

1867年,前南方内森贝德福德福雷斯特将军成为第一大向导的一个新成立的组织,叫做三K党。In 1867, former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became the first Grand Wizard of a newly formed organization called the Ku Klux Klan.

詹姆斯·杨,密西西比州费镇选出的首位黑人镇长说。1964年,三名民权人士在费镇被三K党杀害。JAMES YOUNG, the first black man to be elected mayor of Philadelphia, Miss. , where three civil rights members were killed by the Ku Klux Klan in 1964

我对我们处理三K党这一状况感觉很好,增强了我的信心,让我觉得我们将来有能力能够适当地处理可能发生的任何事情。I felt good about how we handled the Klan situation, and it increased my confidence that we could deal properly with anything that might happen in the future.

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渐渐的,黑人们学会了勇敢地拍案而起去反对这一残忍而不公的传统,正像他们对待3K党的态度转变那样。Little by little and day by day, they were learning to stand up bravely against a cruel and unjust tradition, which could be observed from their attitude toward the Ku Klux Klan.

你如果有全智和全能,并且有千百万年的时间来使你的世界臻于完善,你难道创造不出比三K党和法西斯更美好的东西么?Do you think that, if you were granted omnipotence and omniscience and millions of years in which to perfect your world, you could produce nothing better than the Ku Klux Klan or the fascists?

紧接着一个和三K党有关的组织绑架并且公然用私刑处死了弗兰克,这个组织后来成为了美国一个活跃的反犹太组织,那么它也是什么组织的前身呢?A group with ties to the Ku Klux Klan then kidnapped and lynched Frank in a highly publicized event that turned the spotlight on anti-Semitism in the US and led to the founding of what organization?