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做风车式。Do the windmill.

我们将另建一座。We will build another windmill.

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现在,我们做个风车也不成问题。Now we could have a good crack at a windmill.

风车从不跑去找风。The windmill never strays in search of the wind.

多年的风雨毁坏了古老的风车。Years of storms had taken their toll on the old windmill.

某些人正在研制高级的风车技术。Some people are developing sophisticated versions of the windmill.

他让大风车和双腿之间的扣篮成为流行。The man that made the windmill and the between the legs dunk popular.

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欢迎光临岳阳市岳阳楼区大风车贸易商行!Welcome to the big windmill Yueyang children's toys Co. Ltd web site!

“绿色能源法”的另一个主要参与者是风力发电行业。Another major player in the "Green Energy Act" is the windmill sector.

或回到农场,和设法投入杠杆在风车里面。OR, go back to the farm, and try puling the lever inside the windmill.

一幅水彩画风车门框应与罚款画刷尖。A watercolor windmill door frame should be painted with a fine tipped brush.

在使用佩恩尼斯风车画水彩凉灰色色调添加阴影。Use paynes gray in a watercolor windmill painting to add cool toned shadows.

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这里有一个麦田圈的照片,来自几天前的威尔特郡。Here is an image of a Crop Circle image from Wilton Windmill from a few days ago.

晚上,风车如约来见那云飞,被埋伏的特务抓走,天明心如刀割。At night, the windmill afforded to see the flying cloud, ambush spy by dawn xinrudaoge.

最重要的是,该地区还有着拥有风车和荷兰风格的房屋的荷兰小镇。On top of that, the area boasts a Dutch town complete with windmill and Dutch-style housing.

在他十四岁时,饥贫交加的马拉维少年威廉·坎宽巴为家里建立了发电风车。At age 14, in poverty and famine, a Malawian boy built a windmill to power his family's home.

村子中央有一座很大的风车,对面是一座灰色的教堂。In the center of the village was a big windmill. A gray church stood across from the windmill.

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在霹雳风车是一种力量将整个例程中使用打动对手。The windmill in breakdancing is a power move used throughout a routine to impress an opponent.

在传递的珀莱东第二阶段从阿姆斯特丹5月9日在乌得勒支弗雷兰风车。The peloton passes a windmill in Vreeland during the second stage from Amsterdam to Utrecht May 9.

如何使一个简易折纸折纸风车在这个自由的指示如何到视频剪辑的教训。Easy origami instructions on how to make an origami windmill in this free how-to video clip lesson.