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为什么有人把像熊这样非常有用的生物跟枭杂交呢?Why would anyone crossbreed a perfectly serviceable bear with an owl?

只要它的质地接近打火石,卡森就有足够的信心将它磨成一把耐用的小刀。If it chipped like flint, he could make a serviceable knife out of it.

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许多阿拉斯加内陆乡村是渡船和火车所不能到达的。Many of Alaska’s villages are inland and not serviceable by ferry or rail.

没有人单靠遵守成文的法令,就能成为一个有用的仆人。No man can become a serviceable servant solely by obedience to written edicts.

护照往往可用来证明旅行者的身份。Passports are frequently serviceable in proving the identity of the traveller.

他说的是航天飞机,一艘旧的,但证明仍能服役的飞船。He was speaking of the space shuttle, an old but arguably serviceable spacecraft.

如果你喜欢这类东西,那这绝对是部不错的电影。It is, if you appreciate this sort of thing, a perfectly serviceable motion picture.

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对于持有者来说,超强的能力往往没有一般的能力实用。Great abilities have always been less serviceable to the possessors than moderate ones.

那天夜间,皇家空军驻在法国的四百七十四架飞机,能用来作战的飞机只剩下二百零六架了。That night there remained in France of the Royal Air Force only 206 serviceable aircrafts out of 474.

然而曾统治大洋的大不列颠如今皇家海军只剩大猫小猫两三只。Yet where once Britannia ruled the waves now the Royal Navy has just a handful of serviceable vessels.

其研究成果对管理部门指导城市发展和工业布局有一定的可操作性。The research outcomes are serviceable for management units to direct urban development and industrial layout.

但购买内销商品住房,产权证上并没有标注土地使用年限。But the purchase of domestic goods housing land title certificate does not mark the end of their serviceable life.

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然而,苏哈托在1998年确实跨了,使得印尼的近代历史无以成为丹瑞有用的模范。Fall, however, Suharto did, in 1998, disqualifying Indonesia’s recent history as a serviceable model for Than Shwe.

微调装置,可轻易得到最佳之裁断行程,延长刀模及裁断胶板的使用寿命。Simply accessible micro-adjustment device for optimum cutting strokes then cutter and cutting board are serviceable.

裁断力微调装置,可轻易得到最佳的裁断点,延长刀模及裁断板使用寿命。Simply accessible micro-adjustment device for optimum cutting point then the cutter and cutting board are serviceable.

系统设计合理,运行稳定,可保证发电机组的安全运行。The system's design is rational, it operates stably and may be serviceable for warranting the set's operational safety.

添加一些快照,甚至是短视频和音频,这回让你的博客文章或者报告具备成为优秀文章或报告的潜质。Add some snapshots, maybe a short video or audio clip and you have the makings of a very serviceable blog post or report.

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比方说某人有一条引理用于证明论文的主命题。For instance, suppose one has a serviceable lemma that suffices for the task of proving the main theorems of the paper at hand.

对于要求在线可检测和可维修双止回防回流阀的住宅防污染应用,这是一个理想的解决方案。The ideal solution for residential containment applications that require in-line testable and serviceable dual check backflow preventers.

如果将这些特性与应用程序的其余部分组合在一起,那么您将得到一个快速、特性丰富、易于使用的应用程序!Put them all together with the rest of your application and you can have a fast, feature-rich, serviceable application up and running quickly!