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对于玩的爱好者来说什么是一个安全的细菌?What is a safe bacterium for a hobbyist to play with?

这类型的网页要比兴趣爱好网和专业网站的范围大得多了。This is much bigger than the hobbyist web or the professional web.

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它继续为业余爱好者社区所开发用于研究。It continues to be developed for research and in the hobbyist community.

然而,对于低流量网站或业余开发人员来说其成本是很高的。The cost, however, is high for low-traffic websites or hobbyist developers.

一些对此兴趣浓厚的语言学家甚至把各个拼写输入电脑,用编码和图表进行语法分析。Some hobbyist linguists have even parsed the multiple spellings into computer code and a handy chart.

北条实际上也是一位摄影爱好者,在他旅行的时候都会拍下不少令人有深刻印象风景照。Hojo san is in fact photo hobbyist. It takes a number impressing of photographs at the time of its voyages.

同样,为满足园艺爱好者们所成立的商务公司也有着巨大而未知的经济效益。Similarly, the numerous business concerns catering to the hobbyist have a tremendous but unknown dollar value.

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是的,我们只有一个高品质的标准,花卉,蔬菜和园林种子出售给专业人士和爱好者。Yes, we have only one high quality standard for flower, vegetable and garden seed sold to professionals and hobbyist.

哪有业余爱好者会花费3人年的精力去编写软件,去修正软件,编写使用手册却免费发放给别人使用。What hobbyist can put 3-man years into programming, finding all bugs, documenting his product and distribute for free?

在这个非常深入的过程中你会从新手或业余爱好者和专业人员的心态和技能开始。In this very in-depth course you will start from novice and or hobbyist and end with the mentality and skills of a professional.

PHP社区混杂了大量经过“经典训练”的计算机科学专业人员以及一些业余自我训练的程序员。The PHP community is a great mixture of "classically trained" Computer Science majors together with hobbyist self trained programmers.

无论您是休闲爱好者,还是铁杆黑客,你会得到一个个性化和充满乐趣的程度的帮助。Whether you are a casual hobbyist or hardcore hacker, you'll be supported at a level that makes your personalization of Pleo rewarding and fun.

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然而,一个真正的计算机病毒爱好者,都会对关闭了伊朗的离心机的震网代码感到钦佩,希望对它进行模仿和改进。Any hobbyist worth his or her salt will, in turn, be admiring the Stuxnet code that shut down the Iranian centrifuges, looking to imitate and improve on it.

在一个这样的委员会中服务,会将使业余爱好者更多的接触到研究机构保护人员和环境的规章制度和操作手册。Serving on a such committee would expose the hobbyist to the regulations and protocols that research institutions use to protect workers and the environment.

不好的一点是,Fedora的桌面上仍缺乏一个清晰的导向战略,使产品更容易使用并超越“Linux爱好者”这一目标。On a negative side, Fedora still lacks a clear desktop-oriented strategy that would make the product easier to use for those beyond the "Linux hobbyist" target.

她八成有著执法或者军队的经验,虽然她也可能只是自我防卫的拥护者或是一个有著不凡私有物的狂热者。She most likely has experience in law enforcement or the military, though she may simply be a self-defense advocate or a dedicated hobbyist with uncommon self-possession.

实施这次行动的国家——据说是以色列,也许还有美国的合作,目前无人能够确定——他们的技术也是建立在几代以破坏为乐的计算机病毒爱好者无偿开发程序的基础之上。The state actor — said to be Israel, perhaps working with the United States, though no one is sure — had simply built on the unpaid labor of generations of hobbyist vandals.

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但随着更多细节的披露,我感觉这其中并没有什么新鲜的玩艺,虽然在具体的攻击上进行了价格高昂的优化,但技术还是那种很“业余”的普通技术,。But as more details emerged, it began to look less like something new and more like a piece of hobbyist “street” technology, albeit one expensively optimized for a specific attack.

微软预计在六月发行软件开发包,这可以让学术或是爱好者更简便的用Kinect的照相机和麦克风制作Windows应用系统。In June, Microsoft expects to release a software development kit that makes it easier for any academic or hobbyist to build Windows applications using the Kinect's camera and microphones.

微软预计在六月发行软件开发包,这可以让学术或是爱好者更简便的用Kinect的照相机和麦克风制作Windows应用系统。In June, Microsoft expects to release a software development kit that makes it easier for any academic or hobbyist to build Windows applications using the Kinect’s camera and microphones.