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尼龙是一种人造纤维。Nylon is a man-made fibre.

尼龙是一种人造纤维。Nylon is a man-made fibre.

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同时,猕猴桃中含还有丰富的食物纤维呢!Kiwi is also rich in fibre.

每天食用2到3份高纤维的事物。Eat 2-3 servings of high fibre foods daily.

迈凯轮跑车使用碳纤维历史悠久。Carbon fibre and McLaren go back a long way.

它也含有丰富的纤维质,而糖和脂肪很少。It is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat.

高纤维饮食让人有饱胀感。High fibre diets give the feeling of fullness.

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锚固件用于陶瓷纤维的固定。Ancher is used in the ceramic fibre for fixing.

于是我想,好吧,就这么干,我来卖竹质纤维和竹子纺成的纱。So I thought what I'll do, I sell fibre and yarn.

他身上穿的那件衣服是合成纤维的。The clothes he wears are made of synthetic fibre.

额外的纤维素能使你更长时间感到饱胀。The extra fibre makes you feel fuller for longer.

来复枪的带子是用纤维制作的.The ribbon of the rifle is fabricated with fibre.

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碳纤维底盘,压制成型的铝质后摇臂。Carbon fibre chassis, pressed aluminium swing-arm.

由陶瓷纤维针刺毯加工而成。They are made of the needled ceramic fibre blanket.

光导纤维不能到达的深部肿瘤。Tumors in deep part that optic fibre cannot reach to.

蔗渣还是廉价优良的造纸原料吗?。Bagasse, Still a Cheap and Good Fibre for papermaking?

在上述细胞间有较多的胶原纤维和少量的弹性纤维。Many collagen fibre and few elastic fibre are observed.

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其中含量较高的纤维素和各种营养素能帮你燃烧赘肉。It's high in fibre and nutrients that help burn blubber.

太原哪有卖雅姿纤维饼干?。Which has Taiyuan to sell elegant posture fibre biscuit?

健康的饮食应是高纤维低糖分和低脂肪。A healthy diet is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat.