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密封货物。Pressurize cargo.

不要给空容器加压,不要放在明火或热源附近。Do not pressurize or expose to open flame or heat.

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船长将为船舱增压,以保证乘客舒适。The captain will pressurize the cabin for the passengers' comfort.

出料口底刀为双重闭合装置,刀口密封严密。The hopper bottom sword is double close set, edge is pressurize rigorous.

卡炉与气瓶阀门的接合部位采用接头双重密封装置。The stove and cylinder valve's copulae, use tie-in double pressurize device.

用来输送气体或使气体增压的泵类称为压缩机、鼓风机或风扇。Pumps used to transport or pressurize gases are called compressors, blowers, or fans.

气源总管靠发动机,APU或地面气源车增压。The engines, the APU, or a pneumatic ground cart can pressurize the pneumatic manifold.

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放置警告牌,告诫工作者禁止操作液压系统,不能给液压系统增压。Put a warning notice in position to tell persons not to pressurize the hydraulic systems.

涂胶压辊及冷却牵引压辊采用气动加压,压力可调。Glue spreading rubber roller and cooling traction roller pressurize pneumatically, pressure adjustable.

涡轮机和增压机能压缩进入的空气,以有效地向气缸内注入更多的空气。Turbochargers and superchargers pressurize the incoming air to effectively cram more air into a cylinder.

虽然美国宇航局用它来给航天飞船的燃料箱加压,氦主要还是用来做弧焊和裂纹检测。Helium is used for arc welding and leak detection, mostly, although NASA uses it to pressurize space shuttle fuel tanks.

如果你认为这是非常狭隘的,你会看到它作为一个问题,我,为什么对自己的生活是不可预测的。If you take it very narrow mindedly you will see it as a problem For me why pressurize yourself for life is unpredictable.

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这种材料能像灯芯一样把水分保留在气孔中,然后通过毛细管作用产生压力。This material can look like the wick to retain equally the moisture content in the blowhole, then through capillarity pressurize.

检漏应用惰性气体进行,注意不要使系统的任何组件过压。The leak check should be performed with an inert gas, and care should be taken not to over pressurize any components of the system.

指人体肩轴高于器械轴并对握点产生压力的一种静止动作。Refers to the human body shoulder axis to be higher than the instrument axis and to grasps the pressurize one kind of static movement.

BMA已经发起了一个被称为“要培训,不要流失”的运动,试图对政府施加压力,使MMC推迟一年,以期创造额外的培训岗位。The BMA has launched a Train not Draincampaign in order to pressurize the Government to stall MMC for a year so extra training posts can be created.

该车还具有加压瓦砾成可用于救灾避难所建设混凝土块或砖专用机。The car also has special machine that pressurize the rubbles into concrete blocks or bricks which can be used for disaster relief shelters construction.

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一个强迫进气口系统是通过提高效率摄入利用自然气流在乘车加压空气中的空气滤清器方块。A forced -air intake system is adopted to increase intake efficiency by using the natural airflow during riding to pressurize the air in the air cleaner box.

同种带座轴承按其座的结构变形或轴承的润滑方式、密封的不同可分成多种结构形式。The same kind of insert bearing can be sorted into different structure forms by the different block structure. Bearing lubricate method and different pressurize method.

我们完全不会逼着你们接受我们,其实我们才是你们真实的家人,并且我们将留下那些根本不希望看了解我们的人,让他们去创造自己的未来。We are not here to pressurize you into accepting us but we are your true family, and we will leave those souls who do not want to know about us, to create their own future.