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曼波是拉丁舞的一种。Mambo is a kind of Latin dance.

曼波芽有机和天然券,更新!Mambo Sprouts organic and natural coupons, updated!

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在此学习舞蹈课的免费视频曼波舞基本动作。Learn basic moves for dancing the Mambo in this free video dance lesson.

舞蹈与合作伙伴的曼波可以很有趣,很容易,只要你遵循的一些基本知识。Dancing the mambo with a partner can be fun and easy if you follow a few basics.

学做一个专业的舞蹈教练从纽约曼波在此免费视频。Learn to do the New York mambo from a professional dance instructor in this free video.

学习如何与在这个曼波舞步组合移动示范曼波。Learn how to do the Mambo with dance steps in this Mambo combination move demonstration.

她最有名的角色之一在影片是“曼波之王”在九二年。One of her most well known roles was in the film "The Mambo Kings" in nineteen ninety-two.

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学习如何做跳舞时,男性在这个自由的视频舞蹈课的曼波检查步骤。Learn how to do check steps for men when dancing the Mambo in this free video dance lesson.

做好基本的曼波舞原来是所有关于时间和与音乐的节拍住。Doing the basic Mambo dance turns is all about timing and staying with the beat of the music.

了解有关合作伙伴从专业的舞蹈老师曼波舞更多这免费视频。Learn more about partner mambo dancing from a professional dance instructor in this free video.

学习如何做一个合作伙伴,在这个自由舞视频舞蹈课的曼波基本步骤。Learn how to do basic steps with a partner when dancing the Mambo in this free video dance lesson.

学习如何做跳舞时,男性在这个自由舞蹈视频课的曼波一步的蟑螂。Learn how to do the cucaracha step for men when dancing the Mambo in this free video dance lesson.

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学习的基本步骤曼波与合作伙伴的最好方法是掌握这门古巴风格的舞蹈。Learning the basic Mambo steps with a partner is the best way to master this Cuban style of dance.

学习如何做,比如基本的曼波交叉在此免费视频舞蹈课的舞步。Learn how to do the Mambo with dance steps such as the cross basic in this free video dance lesson.

学习如何与舞步的基本步骤开始在这个自由视频舞蹈课的曼波。Learn how to do the Mambo with dance steps beginning with the basic step in this free video dance lesson.

了解如何跳舞舞步像这样的曼波在这个自由组合舞蹈课视频演示的曼波。Learn how to dance the Mambo with dance steps such as this Mambo combo demo in this free video dance lesson.

学习如何做,如男子的交叉体内的铅在这个自由的曼波视频舞蹈课与舞步。Learn how to do the Mambo with dance steps such as the men's cross body lead in this free video dance lesson.

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它在源于古巴的曼波舞,但也深受美国音乐和生活在纽约的拉丁美洲人的影响。It has its roots in Cuba's son and mambo but was heavily influenced by American music and Latin Americans living in New York.

开始使用并享受乐趣在此免费视频学习这个意见从专业拉丁舞舞者在做的曼波。Get started and have fun learning this Latin dance with advice from a professional dancer in this free video on doing the Mambo.

在这个自由获取视频曼波舞蹈课舒适的具有示范拉丁风格的舞蹈中,从一个专业舞蹈演员。Get comfortable dancing in a Latin style with a demonstration from a professional dancer in this free video on Mambo dance lessons.