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我们的立场就是如此。This is our stance.

乌干达人赞同这一观点。Ugandans endorse this stance.

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叶国谦这个态度,值得肯定。He deserves praise for this stance.

是否应采取对抗的立场?Should it adopt a confrontational stance?

如果现在不改变立场,还要等到什么时候?When should this stance change if not now?

卡雷苟斯对魔枢之战的立场是什么?What's Kalecgos' stance with the Nexus War?

但我有我的观点,我有我的立场。But I have a point of view. I have a stance.

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中方这个立场将继续坚持下去。China will continue to adhere to this stance.

扭曲弓步是一个伟大的功夫锻炼。Twisting Bow Stance is a great Kung Fu exercise.

这就是为什么我们采取我们所采取的立场,”他补充道。That’s why we took the stance we took, ” he added.

狂暴姿态额外加成从攻击强度变为力量。Berserker Stance bonus changed from AP to Strength.

库马拉通加夫人对中方的这一立场给予高度评价。Kumaratunga highly complimented the stance of China.

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所以,他维护了中国在南海问题上的立场。So he defended China’s stance on the South China Sea.

李崴克的立场似乎并没有一个是客观的。Litvak's stance did not appear to be an objective one.

这是科特迪瓦永远也不会改变的坚定立场。That is a firm stance Cote d'Ivoire will never change.

如果这就是你的立场那还有什么可谈?If that is your stance then what is left to talk about?

一些网络评论也在抨击哈米迪的立场。Some online comments also have decried Ghamdi's stance.

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由于他的反共立场另一半他就视而不见了。The other half is blinded by his anti-communism stance.

随着时间推移,你们大多数人已经带上了防护罩。And over time most of you have taken on a guarded stance.

而分队长也提醒大家要训练马步。And his commander also remind everyone to stance training.