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社会上的罪恶是值得思考的。The societys evils are worth meditative.

“水磨坊”的指标是非常花架子和冥想。The "Water-mill" is very showy and meditative.

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降G大调沉思的旋律,作品16号,第二曲。Melodie meditative in G flat major, Op. 16, No. 2

一些人放冥想音乐和燃烧蜡烛或熏香。Some play meditative music and burn candles or incense.

有些跑者还发现游泳特别能放松神经。Some runners also find it very relaxing and meditative.

频道范围从摇滚音乐到乡村音乐再到冥想音乐。The channels ranged from rock to country to meditative music.

尺八的声音是美丽的、冥想的、圆润的。The sounds of the shakuhachi are beautiful, meditative and mellow.

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能够如此,你就会发现,你的生活忽然有了一种禅意。Then suddenly you will see your life has a meditative quality to it.

这个过程是纯净的、朴素的,也是参悟的最终境界。This is the pure, simple, ultimate height of the meditative condition.

这是他进入某个纯净无扰的禅定空性的方式。This is how he enters into a meditative emptiness that is pure and undistorted.

他的冥想诗成就相当高,很多已经成为传世之佳作。His meditative poems are his supreme achievement, many of which have become classics.

宝钗的冥思,有很多时候都是在估价男人的前程。Quite a lot of Bao-chai's meditative moments were devoted to assessing men as 'prospects'.

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大陆艺术家朱伟的沉静的嗓音丝毫没有破坏这种冥想的气氛。The meditative atmosphere is barely disturbed by the hushed tones of mainland artist Zhu Wei.

山本昌男富有禅意的作品和生活方式都弥漫着东方特有的哲学和美学气息。Yamamoto's meditative life and work spread a uniquely Eastern philosophical and aesthetic air.

取名为八支瑜伽即是将哲学,内在及传统的***冥想操练均连结…The name Ashtanga Yoga itself links the practice to a philosophical, inner and meditative tradition.

让玛莉娜深邃的原住民长笛引领你进入平静之心。The deep, soulful tones of Marina Raye's meditative flutes lead you on a journey into the heart of peace.

有德及有禅修的一天,好过无德与不能自制诸根的百年生命。Better it is to live one day virtuous and meditative than to live a hundred years immoral and uncontrolled.

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他盘起自己大树枝杈般的双腿,摆出冥想的姿势。即使这样,他目光的位置仍然比巴拉克还高。He folded his tree-bough legs and sat in a meditative pose, the level of his gaze still higher than Burak's.

两者都沉浸在其运动过程中的一招一式,其专注的呼吸足以降低心率并减缓压力。Both can be meditative in their poses and the breathing alone is enough to lower heart rate and reduce stress.

埃德蒙德瓦尔的优雅青瓷具体地点的船只设施都是世界有名的沉思存在。Edmund de Waal's elegant celadon site-specific vessel installations are renowned for their meditative presence.