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他们商订了一项条约。They negotiated a treaty.

我只是造了那份假条约。I only made the fake treaty.

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我要与他签订协议。I'll make a treaty with him.

我国政府加入了该条约。They have acceded to the treaty.

他们已经加入了那个条约。They have acceded to the treaty.

试问这样一份丧权辱国的条约谁给接受?。How can such a treaty be accepted?

该条约在1959年获得重新确认。That treaty was reaffirmed in 1959.

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出许泰特先生偷了真条约。Maybe Mr. Tate stole the real treaty.

我国政府加入了该条约。Our government acceded to the treaty.

和约在巴黎签订。The peace treaty was signed in Paris.

本条约须经批准方可生效。The treaty is subject to ratification.

他们根据默契联合了起来。They were leagued together by a treaty.

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该条约的总体目标是什么?What is the overall goal of the treaty ?

蔚为壮观的条约文本终于准备完毕了。The huge treaty books were ready at last.

美国在亚洲与五个国家签订了同盟条约。America has five treaty alliances in Asia.

许多国家已加入了那个条约。Many countries have acceded to the treaty.

他们违反了和平条约。They have transgressed the treaty of peace.

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但是首先美国必须批准该条约。But first it will have to ratify the treaty.

我能享受税收协定的待遇吗?Can I enjoy the treatment of the tax treaty?

艾米达拉女王在协议上签字了吗?。And Queen Amidala, has she signed the treaty?