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一个可以合理提出的问题A question we can legitimately raise.

对于设计,我们能够更合理的更乐观的么?Can we be more legitimately optimistic about design?

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希拉里重申了她的观点,即阿萨德政权已不再具有合法性。She also restated her belief that the Assad regime has lost legitimately.

作为改变的个体,我们只能合理地对他们的发展轨迹提出意见。As changing entities, we can only legitimately criticize their trajectories.

人们可以合理地认为,不同国家吸取不同的经验教训。One can legitimately argue that different countries learn different lessons.

他们完全不理解我为什么穿飞行甲板铁头鞋。They legitimately didn't understand why I was wearing steel-toed flight deck boots.

尽管这些原因可能无穷无尽,但是,只有一小部分正当理由能够证明系统需要变更。Though these are nearly infinite, only a few legitimately justify system alterations

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这可以被合理地看做,是人类所做出的最惊人的事情It is--could legitimately be seen as one of the most astonishing things that people do.

这对南疆石榴资源的合理利用提供了参考依据。This research provide reference evidence when we legitimately use resource in Nanjiang.

解决罗马多余的仪式唯一合理的方法是重新解释圣礼的本质。The only way to legitimately resolve Roman excess was to reinterpret the nature of the sacraments.

另一方面,梅西却已经可以和球王贝利,马拉多纳,迪-斯蒂法诺一较高低。Messi on the other hand could be legitimately compared to Pele, Diego Maradona and Alfredo Di Stefano.

在魔兽世界中,除了熟练的向对手投掷火球之外,你还能学会其他一些东西吗?Can you legitimately learn something from WoW besides efficient techniques for slinging fireballs at foes?

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他感到能正当的吐露自己,即使别人不清楚他在表达什么。He feels that he has legitimately unburdened himself even though people don't know what he's telling them.

为像灯泡这样的球员加油打气是很容易的,一个中规中矩的好人但总是承受著许多悲痛。It's easy to root for a guy like Phillips, a legitimately good guy who has had to endure so much heartache.

你们中没有任何人可以独自合法地拥有地球,或地球的任何部分,或地球众多王国中的任何一个。None of you can personally and legitimately own the Earth, nor any part of it, nor any of its many kingdoms.

你的公司可能确实需要合理的启动资金,但是你内心的恐惧,犹豫和怀疑阻止你去寻找资金。Your business may legitimately need startup capital, but is your Internal FUD keeping you from looking for it?

没有任何议会或立法机构,不管其宣称自己如何民主,能合理侵犯我们的自然权利。No parliament, no legislature, however democratic its credentials, can legitimately violate our natural rights.

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自然赋予每个个体以,生命权,自由权和财产权,没有人有权力剥夺Nature gave each individual the right to life, liberty, property, and nobody could take these away legitimately.

使用这个比较器的方法合理地依靠它来比较两个文件,而不抛出任何异常。Methods that use this comparator legitimately depend on it to compare two files, without throwing any exceptions.

但真正敲骨吸髓的是盗版行为,它让购买正版的玩家利益受损。But what really sucks is that the pirates are mucking up the performance for those who bought the game legitimately.