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北京电影学院。Beijin Movie Academy.

还在警校。Still in the academy.

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北京舞蹈学院。Beijin Academy for Dance.

这是一所音乐专科学院。That is an academy for boys.

捉鬼学院。第1季全。Ghost Hunters Academy Season 1.

他曾就读于美国海军学院。He attended the U.S. Naval Academy.

那是在2001年学院奖颁奖典礼上。This was at the 2001 Academy Awards.

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军校把三名学员除了名。The academy disenrolled three cadets.

我的女儿在警察学院学习。My daughter attends the police academy.

在北京中国棋院进行。At the China's Chess Academy in Beijing.

黄家画室太大也太粗俗。The Academy is too large and too vulgar.

欢迎来到第74届奥斯卡颁奖典礼现场。Welcome to the 74th Annual Academy Awards.

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1969年,我从美国商业海洋学院毕业了。Academy in 1969, my educated dad was happy.

你对陈氏书院的印象如何?How about your impression of Chen Academy ?

1925年入黄埔军校学习。In 1925 the Huangpu Military Academy study.

黎先生受训于香港葡萄酒学院。Lai is an alumni of Hong Kong Wine Academy.

后来,他考上了北京电影学院。Later, he entered the Beijing Film Academy.

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这部影片后来赢得了六座奥斯卡金像奖。The film went on to win six Academy Awards.

毕业于上海戏剧学院表演系。Graduated from the Shanghai Theatre Academy.

曾任中国青年诗歌学会理事。He was syndic of China Youth Poetry Academy.