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他会像终结者那样大刀阔斧改革不正常的机制。He would slay the system, like the Terminator.

终结者和你同时找到了我,我们一起逃掉了。The Terminator found me, but so did you. We got away.

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您可能会注意到,主体没有显式的终结符。You may note that the body has no explicit terminator.

在一个特定的脚本中,您只能使用一个语句结束符。In a given script, you can use only one statement terminator.

糖尿病时代的终结者,完整身体的守护人!Terminator of the amputation, Guardian of physical integrity!

将当前行终止符写入标准输出流。Writes the current line terminator to the standard output stream.

暗部里另外一个很暗的地方就是明暗交界线过去点。Another dark part of the shadow is the area just beyond the terminator.

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或者,就是那类的场面,终结者3的火力吊车。Or, for that matter, Terminator 3's fire truck-car-crane ménage à trois.

悲伤似歌,一旦开始,就无法结束,这首歌没有终止符。Sad songs like, once started, it can not end, this song has no terminator.

我们把月亮上的黑白边界线叫做‘晨昏线’。The name for this border between lunar night and day is the terminator line.

将后跟行结束符的字符子数组写入文本流。Writes an array of characters followed by a line terminator to the text stream.

当空间站通过南太平洋上空的终点时,夜幕也随之降临。Night falls as the Space Station crosses the terminator above the South Pacific.

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这就保证了有足够的空间分配给终结符。This condition guarantees that there is sufficient space for the zero terminator.

您也可以修改脚本中所有语句的语句结束符。You also can change the statement terminator for all the statements in the script.

然后沿着月球明暗线的下部分就找到月球南极点。Then follow the terminator to the moon's lower limb to locate the lunar south pole.

硫代硫酸钠常作为水处理研究中氧化剂的猝灭剂。The thiosulfate is commonly used as the oxidant terminator in water treatment research.

提供转录终止信号的DNA顺序称为终止子。The DNA sequence that provides the signal to cease transcription is called a terminator.

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一些人也许喜欢终结者2半身撞入L.A河里的大制作带来的刺激。Some might enjoy the big-budget thrills of Terminator 2's semi crashing into the L.A. River.

明暗交界线是物体从亮部转入暗部的区域。The Terminator The terminator is the area where the form transitions from light into shadow.

强力粘胶,无味无臭,简便易行,安全卫生,为理想的灭蝇工具。Strongly adhesive, odourless, ready to use, safe and sanitary, it is an ideal fly terminator.