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他的控告是根据我的证词提出的。His incrimination was based on my testimony.

行为无价值是以结果无价值作为自身存在的基础。Behavioral incrimination is on the basis of consequential incrimination.

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禁止用任何方法对公民进行侮辱、谤和诬告陷害。Insult, libel, false accusation or false incrimination directed against citizens by any means is prohibited.

禁止用任何方法对公民进行侮辱、诽谤和诬告陷害。Insult, libel, false accusation or false incrimination directed against citizens by any means is prohibited.

我看过那些指控文件,那些说妳和另一个人盗用国家航空航天局资金的很有说服力的证据。I have seen those incrimination documents, which had convictive proof to prove you and another embezzled CNSA funs.

其中,银行内部与外部之间的相互牵连现象,是银行风险的主要来源之一。And among them , one of the main sources of bank risks is the mutual incrimination between the interior and exterior of banks.

反对被迫自证其罪特权是证人的一项必不可少的权利,它已得到世界众多国家以及联合国公约的认可。The privilege against self- incrimination is very essential to witness, it is admitted by many countries and the UN conventions.

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综上所述,将袭警行为作为特殊的研究对象,讨论其犯罪化的问题,具有研究价值及实践意义。In a word, it is of importance and significance to discuss the incrimination of attacking police act as a special research subject.

如果把数位记忆视为心智的延伸,那麽在法庭上运用这样的资料,或许让人有陷己入罪的感觉。For those of us who view digital memories as an extension of our own minds, the use of such materials in court would feel like self- incrimination.

自证无罪权应当是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在刑事诉讼中的一项重要权利,它区别于辩护权、禁止强迫自证其罪原则。The rights to prove one' s own innocence is essential to the accused, and it is distinguished from the rights to defense and the rights against self- incrimination.

此外,本文主张在人民以有「受刑事追诉之虞」为由拒绝报告的场合中,政府应得以赋予刑事豁免权的方式移除人民的入罪风险并强制人民揭露资讯。In addition, this thesis argues that the administrative agency should grant immunity to remove the danger of self- incrimination and compel people to disclose information.