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温和的偏南风。Moderate southerly winds.

再给它们两天南方的气候give them another two more southerly days

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塔斯梅尼亚岛上的最南海角是最南端。Southeast Cape is the most southerly point.

周末预计会阳光明媚,并刮起徐徐的南风。and the weekend promises sunshine and southerly breezes.

几分钟以后,我们启航向南驶去。Minutes later, we cast off and headed offshore in a southerly direction.

偏北风盛行的冬季,而偏南风统治在夏季。Northerly winds prevail in winter, while southerly winds reign in summer.

中部奥塔戈是新西兰最高,也是世界最南端的葡萄产区。Central Otago is New Zealand's highest and the world's most southerly wine region.

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积极偏南气流带来的雨的天气华南沿岸地区。An active southerly airstream is bringing rainy weather to the south China coastal areas.

天气预报说会有大雨,并伴随着10度的温差和时速23英里的南风。Heavy rain is forecast with a maximum and minimum of 10 degrees with a 23mph southerly wind.

长春、哈尔滨、青岛等机场预计有6-7级的偏南阵风。Changchun, Harbin, Qingdao, such as the airport is expected to have 6-7 level southerly gust.

由于其地理位置靠南,所以一年四季你都可以找到舒适的海滩。Given its southerly location, you can reliably visit a comfortable beach almost all year round.

这可能是由于冬季极光卵向南偏移造成的。It is possible that the auroral oval shifts southerly and hence produces this effect in winter.

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这里是塔司梅尼亚的州府,塔司梅尼亚地处澳大利亚最南端,是全国最小的、唯一在岛上的州。It is the capital of Tasmania, the smallest, most southerly and only island state of Austrilia.

如果想改进此构造,应该加上线性加速器北方和南方的站台。To improve this configuration, one would have to add stations northerly and southerly of the linac.

约6000万光年远,在南天星座乌鸦座中,两个硕大的星系撞在一起。Some 60 million light-years away in the southerly constellation Corvus, two large galaxies collided.

邻侧的高灶也是与南风古灶同年代建成的同类龙窑。O-side focus is also related to the high southerly built during the ancient stove with similar Longyao.

库纳瓦拉南边凉爽的气候使葡萄需要经过漫长的成熟期。These grapes also benefit from a long , slow ripening season due to Coonawarra's cool southerly climate.

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由于持续到二月份的冰冻季节,利沙半岛的青蛙数量受到了一定的影响。A freezing start to February hit the frog population on the Lizard Peninsula, the most southerly point in the UK.

朝方于1999年设定的海上军事分界线要比韩方的“北方界线”更为靠南。North Korea set in 1999 than in South Korea's maritime military demarcation line, "Northern Limit Line" is more southerly.

墨西哥湾大约六百英里长的海岸被石油污染,将来几天还会有偏南风,这可能意味着更多的石油会被冲上岸。About 600 miles of the Gulf Coast have been oiled, and a southerly wind in the coming days could mean more oil coming ashore.