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她的父母是一个士兵和一个未婚少女的母亲。Her parents were a soldier and an unwed teenage mother.

在这一时期内未婚母亲被投掷石块致死。In that time period unwed mothers were stoned to death.

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未婚妈妈之家暨妇女庇护所迁移至台北市新址。Unwed Home and Shelter moved to new location in Taipei.

那位年轻的且未婚的女仕今年冬天就要生了。The young, unwed lady is going to have a baby this winter.

未婚者则要提防爱上有夫之妇或有妇之夫。Unwed people have to be wary of falling in love with those who are married.

统计数据显示,去年未婚同居的人的数量急剧上升。Census data show that the number of unwed couples living together rose sharply last year.

许多未婚男女同居多年相安无事,一旦结了婚,结果是日吵夜吵,吵个没完。Many unwed couples who cohabit peacefully for years wind up fighting night and day once they marry.

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我的生母是一个大学肄业生,也是一个年轻未婚妈妈,她决定让别人收养我。My biological mother was a young, unwed graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption.

本机构是为谘商、看顾以及危机怀孕的未婚妈妈的远景而设立。This ministry was born from a vision to counsel, care for, and house unwed mothers in crisis pregnancies.

我的亲生母亲是一个年轻的没有结汇棠大学毕业生。My biological mother was a young unwed college graduate student and she decided to put me up for adoption.

我的亲生母亲近一个年青的,没有成婚的大学结业生。My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption.

如今,越来越多的未婚夫妻生活在一起,带来了日益增长的未婚先孕。Nowadays, more and more unwed couples live together and that leads to an increasing growth of premarital pregnancy.

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一天,小雪衣服上渗出奶渍,被一名姓陈男生发现,于是,小雪未婚先孕的事情败露。One day, light snow seeping milk stains on the clothes, was a boy surnamed Chen found a result, light snow unwed things brought to light.

在大多数省份,单身女子怀有孩子仍然是违法的,未婚母亲会被罚“社会补偿费”。It continued to be illegal in almost all provinces for a single woman to have a child. Social compensation fees have been levied on unwed mothers.

未婚先孕是缺乏安全措施的产物,还给艾滋病等性病传播提供了温床。Unwed pregnant is the lack of security of the product returned to the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, provides a breeding ground.

最近西南地区一所大学发布了新规,禁止未婚情侣在校外租房同居,引起了学生和社交媒体用户们的强烈抗议。Bans on unwed couples living together and renting off-campus apartments are among new rules at a Southwest China university that have sparked outcry among students and social media users.