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只有36岁的雄性首领银背腊玛没有靠近。Only the silverback male leader, Ramar, 36, stayed away.

悉尼塔朗加动物园里,银背大猩猩科巴布嚼起了树枝。Silverback gorilla Kibabu chews on a stick at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney.

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一头年轻的银背山地大猩猩在背景中这个火山口湖的边缘被拍到。A young silverback mountain gorilla poses on the rim of a volcanic crater with a lake below in the background.

动物园饲养员说,这种银背大猩猩体重可以长到159公斤。The zoo said that keepers haven't yet named the tiny male, who will grow up to become a 350-pound silverback gorilla.

雨中的银背大猩猩雄性银背大猩猩在大约13岁的时候长出一身特有的银色毛发,那时他们就成年了。Male silverback mountain gorillas gain their distinctive silver tinge at about 13 years old, when they reach adulthood.

硕大的银背大猩猩捧着片娇嫩的叶子,这样的反差给人有趣的惊愕之感,真是一个特别的时刻。The juxtaposition of the giant silverback gorilla holding a delicate leaf is a delightful surprise and a unique moment. —Annie Griffiths

银背大猩猩需要为自己补充能量和体力。它在沼泽中浸泡了几个小时,它用草本植物的根部有条不紊的清洗身上的泥垢,然后再细细咀嚼那些植物。Needing fuel for his efforts, the silverback soaks in a swamp for hours, methodically stripping and rinsing dirt from herb roots before munching.

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族群由一个有一撮银色毛发的雄性年长的雄性猩猩领导,当然,还包括其他几个年轻的雄性,雌性猩猩以及他们的后代。Troops are led by one dominant, older adult male, often called a silverback because of the swath of silver hair that adorns his otherwise dark fur.

了解如何移除的烤羊肉的美味羊肉的银砍在这个自由的5星级美食视频剪辑与专家食谱烹饪技巧。Learn how to remove the silverback from rack of lamb for a gourmet lamb chop recipe with expert cooking tips in this free 5-star cuisine video clip.

族群由一个有一撮银色毛发的雄性年长的雄性猩猩领导,当然,还包括其他几个年轻的雄性,雌性猩猩以及他们的后代。Troops are led by one dominant, older adult male, often called a silverback because of the swath of silver hair that adorns his otherwise dark fur.

网站Silverback当然是大家认为最主要的,但他们在客户网站中也有同样的设计,而且还每年为dConstruct大会制作大量的网站。The Silverback website is of course the main one which everyone thinks of here but they’ve done similar things on both client sites and the multitude of sites produced for the