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这是一个新的辩证观。There is a new dialectic.

爱美之心人皆有之,只不过如何辩证的去看待而已罢了!The love of beauty, but how to dialectic to see it!

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辩证法研究对立物是怎样变统一的。Dialectic studies how opposites can become identical.

第三章论述先秦兵书所体现的管理学思想。On the third hand the war had enough dialectic thought.

圣爱和互爱之间存在着辩证关系。The relationship of agape and mutual love is dialectic.

在这种泛化的过程中,遮蔽了辩证法最为本质性的东西。Such extension for the dialectic shades the essence of dialectic.

这是一种创造性的或辨证的融合,它将产生新的意义。This is a creative or dialectic fusion which produces a new meaning.

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矛盾转化是唯物辩证法的重要范畴。Conflict transform is an important category in materialistic dialectic.

分析研究了墨家的辩证思维方法论。This paper analyzes the dialectic thinking methodology of Mohist School.

我最讨厌的莫过于黑格尔体系和辨证法。What I detested more than anything else was Hegelianism and the Dialectic.

而且你不必把历史辩证唯物主义应用于日常生活。And you don't have to apply historical dialectic materialism to daily life.

第三部分论述了笔者对“总体战体制论”一分为二的分析。Thirdly, the author gave a dialectic comment on the theory as the conclusion.

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启蒙作为非理性的中介形式是社会进步与倒退纠缠的力场。Enlightment dialectic as medium is the force field of development and regression.

对霍克海默、阿多诺而言,启蒙的辩证法就是理性历史的辩证法。Enlightening dialectic is the rational historical dialectic to Horkheimer, Adorno.

全文以矛盾辩证法为元语言展开解释。Thus the paper is written in the meta-language of contradictory dialectic explanation.

这种辩证法日积月累,有朝一日,终于达到被定义为绝对知识。This dialectic is convergent and attains the conjuncture defined as absolute knowledge.

从“实”“事”“史”“时”“势”来求“是”,体现了中国哲学富于实践性、人文性、辩证性的特色。This also represents the practical, humanistic and dialectic features of Chinese philosophy.

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实际上,它是辩证法的分支,又与它相似,正如我们开头所讲的那样。As a matter of fact, it is a branch of dialectic and similar to it, as we said at the outset.

本文主要从三个方面来介绍卢卡奇的历史辩证法思想。This paper mainly through three parts to introduce the history of dialectic thought of Lukacs.

集中与竞争之间的对立关系尽管演变为新的形态,但仍在继续。The dialectic of concentration versus competition continues, even as it mutates into new forms.